are giving away all their collected data. That’s 10 years of posts and threads from massively massive discussion site and all now available for download. It’s a bold and open move. And very exciting.
And if that’s not enough, there’s a bloody big competition for people to do interesting things with the data. The most interesting apps or thingymabobs win prizes:
* The first prize is an Amazon voucher for $4000 (~€2500)
* The second prize is a voucher for $2000 (~€1250)
* The third prize is a voucher for $1000 (~€625)
See more here on John Breslin’s blog.
I’ve love a Google News/ mashup and a timeline kind of thing. Pick a date from a timeline, see the main news from Google and then see how people on reacted.
Or pick a few brands that became over the past few years and plot the rise of them. Sociology and Anthropology researchers will have a field day with these things.
When was the first mention of x on and the first use of “celtic tiger” etc. etc.
Screw Google’s zeitgeist, what was the most linked to site in 1998, 1999, 2003?
Well done the owners for doing such a thing.

Photo owned by llawliet (cc)