Archive for November, 2014

December 2014 Dublin Mentoring Sessions

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

Each year I do mentoring sessions with some Enterprise Boards/Org toward the end of the year and also do one public one. The public one is on December 4th in Dublin.

Length: A mentoring session will run for 50 minutes.
Cost: Around €45
Location: Gibson Hotel, Dublin
Prep Work: Know what questions you want answered and know I can mostly only help during that 50 minutes. Bring a laptop or tablet.

I’m good at giving advice on Digital Marketing, PR stunts and tech startup feedback.

You can reserve the Dublin mentoring sessions by clicking here.

Put in your initials next to a time you want then then email me and I’ll send you on payment details.

Please note: I’ll be wearing at least Christmas jumper, you don’t have to.


Fluffy Links – Monday November 3rd 2014

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

Well that was a bit of a lull. Web Awards stuff got in the way of me posting stuff up here. Good event, hotel will never be used by me for anything again though. Roll on the SME Awards.

Some alternative Christmas jumpers you might like. 51 days to go.

Heard Tony Mac Mahon on RTÉ Arena the other night. He has a new album out with Steve Cooney, which is a recording from a good number of uears ago from a gig they never knew was being recorded. That link allows you to listen to it.

The Irish Coffee in Chapter One is a hell of a thing. Good post about how it’s made.

Rhône Wine Week Ireland 2014 is upon us. Full events listing.

When betting or making decisions, an empty stomach could help with decision making.

CEOs share the best advice they’ve received and given.

Luke Skywalker’s home in Star Wars? Stay in it for a few quid per night. Just need to get yourself to Tunisia.

With Tim Cook publicly acknowledging that he’s gay, lots are saying that’s great, let’s move on. Eh no, the reason this very private man made that statement is because it helps. A lot of LGBT people both young AND old need role models that suit them and Tim Cook will help people. Just watch this video from Pixar if you think we’ve got that whole “everyone is okay with gay people” bull.

Interesting one from James. Twitter video cards potential, video keeps playing while you scroll through Twitter. Second screening without the TV!

How to make videos succeed on YouTube. BBC advice.

Tony Mac Mahon explaining an air.

MKAI – Waiting