Archive for the ‘Fluffy’ Category

Fluffy Links – Friday January 4th 2008

Friday, January 4th, 2008

I’m in Dublin til Sunday. I have a little free time. Email or call me if you want to meet up.

This is madness. People berated DistantRambler for being flippant about her cancer.

Some nice collaboration going on here. Crowdsource using old business plans and other documents.

More linkage to Sabrina. She’s a fan of Etsy and links to some Irish Etsy sellers.

Check out John’s interview on Morning Ireland.

Nice summary of Seesmic.

Have a sconce at Tech for Teens.

Cheap cheap car.

Fun stickers for things.

Want an air guitar?

Nice comeback by Santa Letterman.

Via Suzy: Caucusing Is Easy

The Wire Season 5 is on the BitTubes

Friday, January 4th, 2008

That is all.

Fluffy Links – Thursday January 3rd 2008

Thursday, January 3rd, 2008

Alan is looking for email marketing success stories. Got any?

Check out Dan Dennison’s work. Hire him if you want. The Tribune said he was one of 50 to watch this year. As well as Nialler and the girls.

Fantastic tips from the Sindo Value Ireland.

The Segala guys are in Cork on the 7th. You about?

There are a few places left on the Free Blog Training Course.

Hello Kitty contacts. Sheesus.

The Beeb now has a tech blog. Yay apart from the partial feeds.

Absolute Zero and Absolute hot.

Soup for you. God I’m hungry.

2007’s Best Emerging Green Technologies.

Via Michael Gartenberg:

Fluffy Links – Wednesday January 2nd 2008

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008

Grannymar goes back over her year.

I already pointed to this photo but John Braine doesn’t like trolleys.

Check out Pat’s post on Opera Telecom. Link to it too so more people can group together and talk about them.

Attention seeking hippies at it again. No, not the Amnesty Interference people, this Tipperary Peace Price people. Giving a prize to the person in all the world headlines. Katy French not big enough for them? Great PR.

I love Neil Gaiman’s New Year Wishes.

How to get your political ad shown for free – Pull it.

The Wikipedia entry for blogs with a few words removed.

The French give a taxbreak for making video games in France. Expect Snooty Waiter 1, 2, 3 to come out on the Wii in a year or two.

Gruff Rhys – Candylion

Super Furry Animals – Juxtaposed With U

See you on the other side – 2007 edition

Monday, December 31st, 2007

Off out I go to get merry and toast riddance to 2007. I hope to see you all on the other side. Thanks for making this site and me a better person. If a little louder. ๐Ÿ™‚

Fluffy Links – New Years eve 2007

Monday, December 31st, 2007

An Post opens back up in April?

Handy list from Sinรฉad on her top 2007 albums. I am still of the belief that The National’s “Boxer” album is woeful self-indulgent tripe. Yet everyone else disagrees. *shrug*

Why are they boycotting Bock?

Like we need more ammo to think Glen Handard is a dick. He compares himself to a shamen and shits down on Ireland.

Love this photo.

Everything you wanted to know about VRM and data storage.

A sign saying watch out for the sign!


That’s how low he can and did go:

Little Fluffy Clouds:

Fluffy Links – Friday December 28th 2007

Friday, December 28th, 2007

If you are interested in running an NGO, a charity or a lobby group then this blog post and guide is going to be fantastically helpful.

Check out Patrick James’ very new blog.

Airport security me hole. They left Rick O’Shea on a flight with his …

Using Linux and accessing the IE loving Revenue Online Service.

Want to send your AIB Branch an email? Be nice for someone to autogenerate the email addresses. All Web2.0Ajaxy ๐Ÿ™‚

You can now manage your mySpace communications from inside Facebook. How long before we can manage communications of everything inside that or maybe inside GMail or some other universal communications panel. Eh Meebo? ๐Ÿ™‚

Cute USB eraser.

God bless, they just saved me 150 quid on insurance.

Via Twenty, this is cool:

Fluffy Links – December 27th 2007

Thursday, December 27th, 2007

So Richard is moving away from SEO? Too many damned cowboys in it now in my opinion.

Check out this photo Joe took. Sacreligious.

Offer still open for the free Business Blogging Course from me. Looks like we got a venue too.

I thought this was cute and hilarious. A baby giving the evil eye. Other people did not. Tough Crowd.

Anyone seen any of these movies and recommend them?

But it’s real cashmere. Feck the price tag.

The new Knight Rider teaser.

Wired’s Top Ten startups to look out for is crap I have to say. Old companies and over-hyped ones. Fon, LinkedIn, BitTorrent? Are ye for real? Then this from the Guardian is stupid too. Twitter? Wow, is it 2007 again? Course the Economist is talking even more crap.

Not sure is this at all clever? Anti-drinkdriving ads inside a game?

This guy got Kevin Costner to come to his blog.

Primus – Winona’s Big Brown Beaver:

If you’re still feeling Christmasy

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

Massive list of TV Show Christmas specials. ALF, the Smurfs and so so so many more.

Some auditory pleasure.

Hear Dylan Thomas’ recollection of the sounds and smells of a long-ago Christmas in the seaside town of his youth from the Harper Audio release “A Child’s Christmas in Wales.

Christmas indy songs.

Google’s Department of Misinformation

Monday, December 24th, 2007

So you know the way Google announces something, even teeny tiny things and the world (including me) goes woo and aww and all that and many wonder what this means and what great plan this project is part of? I do wonder does Google and the other giant techcos have a misinformation department like the Allied Forces had during World War II where they had fake towns, inflatible tanks and planes and the like? I even wonder do they team up and create a fake project and then Yahoo! would create a fake counter-project just to feck with the heads of us fanboys. It reminds me of the Gary Larson cartoon where a surgeon discovers if he presses one part of a patient’s brain their leg jumps up.

Anyway, Google are asking people to stick up their Christmas photos on a world map of theirs and share em with the world. This got me to think that some Google initiatives are just for fun and nothing to do with business. Back to the Google photo map, so far no photos are up from Ireland. G’wan, stick em up.