So we’re having a “Blog Awards Week” instead of just a Blog Awards day. On Tuesday the 17th of February we hope to run some kind of Foodie Blogger event. On the 18th there’ll be a Blog/Book thingymajig and that evening is Collision Course II, on the Thursday there’ll be something during the day and then the Battle of the Bloggers at SoundCheck. On the Friday, there’ll be something too. All fun y’all.
New Blog: RecessionWoman –
Not everybody can be rich and nobody should be poor, but we should be able to live somewhere in the middle with a minimum of bullshit.
Ben’s mature guide to the Blog Awards. Delighted to see he feels so comfortable wearing women’s clothes.
Got 5 mins for Niall O’K’s survey? Ag go wan. 5 mins. Just 5.
This could go on forever and a bit. Worst Irish Film names. “Jesus Christchurch Super Spar”
Klara’s new blog. She can’t have just two blogs though. Heard her next blog is all about Yaoi. Also know as Benslashfiction.
It’s wrong to laugh. That much.
MAXRoam and Dopplr. A very good fit.
Tofu almost sounds nice with this dish. Almost.
So Beautiful Jobs are another site offering free jobs listings but for the whole of 2009. A job site for the Beauty Industry in Ireland. Heh, they say facial a lot. About 13, that’s my mental age, like you needed to ask.
We Are Scientists – Hoppipolla Cover Sigur Ros