I already mentioned the Blacknight €30 ex vat .ie domain deal and they will be taking orders on the 3rd day of January. Looking at the list of deleted deleted .ie domains I saw quite a few which could be used to produced a cheap site which may get enough traffic to make some money from Google Ads.
mum.ie – I’m sure someone could come up with Amazon affiliate links and so forth to generate revenue for mothers’ day and birthday type presents. An editor’s choice type site which if it starts making money could eventually start selling its own products.
drinklink.ie – Google maps with cash machine locations. Add in paid placements and coupons for pubs in the area and you might make a meager bit of cash for a small bit of work.
autos.ie, autosearch.ie, autotrading.ie – We all have cars. Use you imagination. Should be able to make something out of this, again with little investment.
bestprices.ie – Is there a Froogle API yet? Froogle, Amazon, who else have APIs? An AJAX search box for something likr this would be sweet too.
bookshop.ie – Nuff said really. Again just an Amazon affiliate but with new content via a blog interface. This would be ideally run by people who are cultured and enjoy good books and marketed to people who desire to be cultured. Hardly any of us are big into literature. We’d happily buy or subscribe to someone else’s taste though. If this was run by someone like Sinéad I’d probably buy a lot of books. Without totally generalising America and Americans, this is what they do. They import their culture from other places. The middleman makes a killing. Look at Martha Stewart telling middle class people how to act like snobs. Perfect! No, you’re not a Martha Sinéad.
computerbath.ie – Excuse me while I take time out to say: WTF! What the hell is a computer bath?
familynames.ie – Lots of begorrah, find your family name type stuff out there. Again, add in some Google maps stuff. Maybe the .ie part of the address could market it to appear more legit.
familyplanning.ie – This would be perfect for rightwing Christian anti-contraception groups to use.
homework.ie – Share your homework online. Oh what a fuzz that would generate. 🙂
netcafe.ie – Google maps, locations, sell skype minutes, sell ads for youth hostels etc. etc.
reviews.ie – Structured blogging anyone?
What would also be interesting and perhaps JMCC could help out here, is to parse this list through an app to see what the page rank for the domain is as well as how many inbound links there are for the domains.