Archive for the ‘irishblogs’ Category

Time to ban dialup

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

I finished writing for the Tribune last week (on a regular basis) but my final piece wasn’t published so as recycling makes sense and all that, here’s my piece about banning dialup:

There’s a healthy debate currently going on in Ireland about broadband, the availability of it and the speed of it. Ireland is far from a broadband nation and a lot needs to be done to remedy this. However with all the talk of broadband we seem to be overlooking dialup. Many on dialup could easily move to broadband but they don’t. Dialup is expensive, backward, dangerous and it’s holding us back. It’s time to ban dialup and give people the choice of broadband or nothing.

Eircom estimates there are still around 200,000 active dialup users in the country. Shockingly 60% of these users could move to broadband. Many of the broadband providers are a bit perplexed about this. While it’s true some of the highest users of dialup want broadband and are desperately trying to get it, there is still a glut of people who could move over but won’t.

Recent ComReg figures show that the average spend by dialup users is over €30 per month yet the cheapest broadband packages these days cost €20 or even less. If dialup customers were moved over on to broadband they’d automatically make savings on top of all the other advantages broadband offers. Those who say they only want to go online for a few minutes each month too no longer have to use dialup. Three Ireland have now released a pay as you go mobile broadband package. A 24-hour 3Pay Broadband top up will be €5 with a 500MB download limit. A week’s connection will cost €10 with a 2GB download limit or a 30 day will cost €30 with 10GB download limit. Other providers are sure to follow this connection model.

It’s not just about money though. Wth so many viruses and hacking attempts online the average computer in order to stay secure is downloading virus definition updates at least once a day. These updates take seconds on broadband to download but can take 10-20 minutes on some dialup connections. Couple that with essential security patches for operating systems and applications and computers are busy fixing themselves up daily. Even with broadband, a naked, just out of the box computer is vulnerable to attack until properly patched. IT Security consultant Brian Honan points out the ever-long battle to stay secure: “Even with a broadband connection a PC shipped from a manufacturer or bought in a shop could take so long to download and update all the relevant security software and patches to the system that it could be infected by the time it has secured itself. Of course this is even worse for dial-up users.”

Honan also points out that operating system updates and patches for Microsoft Office can be as large as 200-300Mb which some on dialup might have ignored: “I am sure there are still a lot of PCs out there running Windows XP Service Pack 1 simply because Service Pack 2 was too big to download.” I carried out a speed test comparison that showed downloading a service pack on broadband took 25 minutes but took as long as 14 hours on dialup. That’s if the person on dialup can allow themselves to stay online that long.

Finally, broadband is good for our broadband rankings. Turning off dialup for those that can switch to broadband would mean we instantly add 100,000 broadband connections to Irish broadband figures and would see us reach or get close to the European Average for broadband after years of trying. Something that would give the under-fire Communications Minister something to smile about at last. With hardly any effort or expenditure we could get away from the bottom of the broadband leagues. People are stubborn though and will resist change, even when it’s good for them. We succeeded with plastic bags and smoking. Now we need a dialup ban. It’s better, cheaper and safer for all of us that go online.

What is it with the Nordies?

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Lots of griping that nobody from the North won at the Blog Awards. Again some said. Some people wrongly said Slugger has been snubbed every year. They won the first year. Grannymar won and guess where she’s from? The Family Voyage folks have an odd accent too. Oh my god, are they from somewhere inside the Northern border?

Blogging will be slightly light

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

As I recover.

Meanwhile there’s this:
Damien pose

Loads and loads more here.

Advanced apologies

Friday, February 29th, 2008

The Blog Awards is work for me and I’ll be in work mode. I will be running around like a blue-arsed fly, fretting that everything is going ok and we are on schedule. I don’t remember a huge amount from last year despite not drinking any booze, except Ms Dillon dancing like mad. And also Mr. Rafterty. The Blog Awards is not an Awards without his dancing. But the rest, a blur for me really.

I’ll probably not be able to stop and say hello to you because of the everything going on. There’s 400+ people this year!!! I have a good few more helpers this year so grab one of them if you need anything.

I’m sorry but I won’t be able to chat for a few minutes about what you want to bend my ear about, I know a few want to chat to me about various things and have sent emails. Not going to happen. Sorry. Another time.

If I do chat to you, slowly explain to me who you are. I won’t remember you from last year more than likely. There’s a strong chance I won’t remember you 10 seconds after we meet this year too. If you have a polaroid camera and a sharpy we can do Memento on it to help me remember.

No, you can’t have a fluffy badge. But there may be a limited something else come out …

But once the main event is over with, I’m free as a bird then.

22+ of em

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

Blog Awards Champagne

Make (or encourage by vote rigging) Kieran wear his ice cream attire at the Awards

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

More here. Go on, we need more people to dress up in various attire.

O2 earnings – Data is good. Postpay customers paying a fortune.

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

O2 Ireland also today issued its KPIs for the Q4 period, from 1 October 2007 to 31 December 2007.

  • * Service revenue for the 3 months to 31 December 2007 was €231 million, an increase of 3.7% on the same period last year.
  • * O2 Ireland’s customer base at the end of December 2007 was 1.646 million, its highest level to date. Customer numbers were up 0.9% compared to the same period last
  • year, with 22,000 net new postpay customers added in the quarter.

  • * Monthly average blended ARPU for the quarter was €45.7, down from €47.0 in Q3, but up from €45.0 in the same period last year.
  • * For the quarter, monthly average ARPU for postpay customers was €78.8, down from €84.9 in Q3, and down from €81.4 compared to the same period last year.
  • * For the quarter, monthly average ARPU for prepay customers was €29, down slightly from €29.2 in Q3, and down from €29.6 compared to the same period last year.
  • * Average monthly minutes of use increased by 2.5% year on year to 252, up from 246 in the same period last year, and up 0.8% from 250 in Q3.
  • * 400 million text messages were sent during the three-month period representing a 1.8% increase in text usage up from 393 million in Q3.
  • * O2 Broadband continued to perform well in the quarter, with subscriber numbers to date now standing at 41,000.
  • * Data revenue as a percentage of overall service revenue was 27.9% in Q4, up from 26.5% in Q3, and up from 22.1% in the same period last year.

o2 confirmed launch of iPhone in Ireland – March 14th

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

And now to wait for the details…

You are cordially invited to attend a media briefing with O2 Ireland Chief Executive, Danuta Gray, to launch the Apple iPhone in Ireland, exclusively on the O2 network. Danuta Gray will also discuss O2 Ireland’s Q4 Financial Results issued today.

WHEN: 11.15am, Thursday 28th February, 2008
WHERE: O2 Ireland HQ, 28 – 29 Sir John Rogersons Quay, Dublin 2
WHAT: Launch of the Apple iPhone exclusively on O2 Ireland’s network

Thanks to Brian

€399 for 8GB
€499 for 16GB
(In the States these are in dollars, bit of a difference there)

Monthly charge €45 €65 €100 Units
Anytime minutes included* 175 350 700 Mins
Texts included* 100 150 250 Texts
Data included** 1GB 1GB 1GB GB
Additional calls 20c 20c 20c Per min
Additional texts 10c 10c 10c Per texts
Voicemail*** 15c 15c 15c Per min

* Unused inclusive minutes and texts cannot be carried over to the following month
** Data use in excess of the 1GB allowance will be charged at 2c per MB excluding roaming
*** Visual voicemail is not currently supported.

All iPhone tariffs are subject to an 18 month agreement. It is a requirement that when purchasing iPhone that you pay your monthly bill by Bank Direct Debit or Credit Card Direct Debit.

To guarantee availability of iPhone, you can place a pre-order at any O2 Store between 28th February and 13th March. You will need to pay a deposit of €100, provide proof of identity and provide proof of residence.

Thoughts: No unlimited data. In fact even with the 100 quid a month package you still only get 1GB. Stingy! Pricing of handsets is too much when you can get them in the States for $399 and $499 dollars. Premium of 140%?

Further thoughts: If you have an unlocked iPhone you got say from the States or even from o2 could you put in an existing sim and add their 10Gb data package to it?

Fluffy Links – Thursday February 28th 2008

Thursday, February 28th, 2008

The finalists lists are out for the Blog Awards, bringing the high number of shortlisted for Best Blog, Best Photo Blog, Most Humourous Post and Best Blog Post down to a manageable number.

Events in and around the Awards.

Love Rob’s post on wrestling fans in Ireland wearing their masks in public.

Rick O’Shea (not his real name, real name is Robin Banks) now has a Facebook fan page.

Anyone willing to dog sit in Cork this weekend?

Arseblog was six yesterday. Have you seen their stats? Jesus. 750,000+ comments!

In case you missed it, this is how far Fine Gael apologists will go to defend the actions of their friends – threaten to sue and then deny it. Lacking testicular fortitude aren’t we?

Paul Walsh is taking applications from Irish CEOs and companies to come to his Top Cats event. Mix with the UK digerati.

Speaking of Paul, Jessi would rather not have been listening to him. 🙂

It’s easy to forget being handed 5 grand by a developer.

What crap.

Bodysong – Jonny Greenwood

Young Fine Gael in UL to issue statement on legal threats

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

Young Fine Gael in UL have told me they condemn the actions of those who harassed me and assured me the threat by a former member that Young Fine Gael in UL will sue me is untrue. I will post the statement here when it arrives.

Update: Also been chatting to the Students Union who are also waiting for this statement.

Statement from Young Fine Gael in UL:

As chairperson of ULYFG I would like to totally distance this society from the alleged harrassment of you. This has absolutely nothing to do with ULYFG and the three people which you named are not members ULYFG. We totally condem this abuse and I would again like to reiterate that ULYFG has nothing to do this matter. Also we have absolutely no intention threatening legal action either. I hope this clarifies the situation for you.

Yours Sincerly
Gillian Boyle.
Chairperson ULYFG.