That Girl suggested we have a Bloggers’ Workshop and it’s a fine idea and something other bloggers mentioned before. An actual face to face, get your laptops out for the boys/girls workshop would be fantastic and I think the cost of room and net hire would be covered by a sponsor or else on a very low entrance fee. But before an actual face to face meetup we should find out the most common questions and get people to contribute answers. So the Blogging Workshop wiki has been born. Post your questions and provide answers there. The password to access it is jamtart.
What’s a wiki you ask? Just like a shared blogpost really. Anyone can edit the page they’re looking at. It’s easy to edit and add text. Not as easy to make it look pretty and format it but there are a few tools to help you along.
If you are scared of the Wiki but have questions you want to add. Just post them here in the comments and we’ll add them to the list. Where “we” is not me but some other nice blogging angel.
When we get a lot of questions and answers we can make it into a nice pretty guide and then we can have an event for those that still want to talk to someone in person and have a techy work on their blog. The techy should be fed with coffee and gummy bears. I myself like Cheesecake.