Yesterday and the night before were hectic. This whole 7 day a week working for yourself and then trying to do a Blog Awards is tough!
OpenCoffee. BarCamps. TeenCamps and now TeenCoffee. Next week in Dublin.
Blipathon. DJs of the world unite for a 24 hour blipathon. Via social radio service organised by Brian Greene in Dublin all monies donated go to Tuesday Child charity in Belfast direct aid towards children in Gaza.
New blog: Didn’t get the wedding gene.
And another: Whinging Recession Cunts
Via L! CIT spends 22k on two portraits of staff.
There are now 4000 Irish people on Twitter and possibly much much more.
Dell runs Google Ads for Acer laptop searches. Dell as you may know, doesn’t sell Acer laptops.
Train workshop for website owners.
That attic insulation scheme? Read a totally different view.
10 Principles That Might Make Your Work Better.
Via Fabulist: Amanda Palmer – Creep