Blog Awards 09 – Sponsorship Opportunities

The Blog Awards are around the corner and many companies have made enquries about what they can sponsor or cover. So what’s left?

The Grand Prix “Best Blog” prize is open for sponsorship. Final award of the night. Biggest award etc.

Every winner gets a bottle of champagne. Sponsors of these get their name on the bottle with the Blog Awards logo. Get their pic taken with all the winners.

Goody bags:
Every year we do goody bags. Your gear or that of your client. Given about 15 people broke their melt last year packing these bag for people, if you want to have items put in the bags you can either pack them yourself or pay 100 euros to have someone pack them for you. A minimum of 350 pieces need to be supplied for the bags. No flyers. No discounts.

We have a raffle midway through the event. If you have something substantial for a raffle then we might raffle it off. Sorry, but if you are going to offer Manky Toys, we have a sponsor for them.

Other opportunities:
Perhaps something we didn’t think of. Let us know.

Email contact < at > if you want to get involved. Not my personal email, please.

Also, please see more details about sponsorship and what sponsors get in return. The event at the end of the day is not very commercial and is run at cost with all door takings going to charity.

2000 BMW Williams FW22
Photo owned by al_green (cc)

2 Responses to “Blog Awards 09 – Sponsorship Opportunities”

  1. manuel says:

    there needs to be a badge swap area…….for the swapping and general handing out of badges….. obviously……