Archive for the ‘business’ Category

The Blogging Bank – RaboDirect now have a blog

Monday, December 1st, 2008

RaboDirect Blog. Comments are open. Their GM is blogging along with other RaboDirect employees. This is certainly a first for Ireland. Impressive.

piggy bank
Photo owned by IngaMun (cc)

Of course we also have the No Nonsense Blog too. (Currently featuring Roddy Molloy)

And we have the fun Irish Mortgage Brokers blog from Karl Deeter which takes no prisoners and has pictures of KITT and Arnold from Diffrent Strokes.

So in the very conservative world of finance we have banks, mortgage brokers and insurance companies blogging. If they can do it, other industries can too.


Monday, November 24th, 2008

So I won a Golden Spider and people somehow suggest (on their award winning Golden Spider “blog”) I’m a begrudger for it. Despite the dripping sarcasm in the other post some people think I’ve somehow rolled over because I showed up and accepted the Award. Some people suggest I was a hypocrite for taking a photo with Philip from Bebo. Er no. Apologies for missing Gavan’s sarcasm there.

Mulley taking the photo thing very seriously

Some even thought I’d pull a stunt at the event. I had threatened something like this before but after organising three Blog Awards and one Web Awards and other events I wouldn’t dare do that anything as insulting as disrupting an event. I know how much work and headspace goes into making an Awards show run well and by eck the Golden Spiders were a masterclass in how to do this. I chatted to a few judges too who exist and worked hard too to evaluate the websites they were given.

I’m very very grateful for the Award and for how I was looked after at the event. They covered the ticket too, not like I’d pay for one! The Golden Spiders staff were awesome and made sure everyone had a good time. 790 people were at this event. All at tables. That’s a hell of a lot of people to look after. Des Bishop rocked as MC too and was very gracious with picture taking and people pestering him, like us:

Ross Duggan, Damien Mulley, Des Bishop, Eamon Ryan, Danny and Vince Donnelly

The points I’ve always made about Awards shows still stand though. For the Net Visionary Awards, the Digital Media Awards and the Golden Spiders. Now, I’ve said I’m going to bring out all the second round scorecards for the Web Awards and I will once I’m back in the home office for more than three days (October and November have been chocka with work) and I’ve love to see more than vague suggestions of areas being marked by the Spiders and any kind of clarity from the IIA about how they rank their winners. I was told I won by votes at the Net Visionary Awards last year but Arseblog got more votes than anyone in the Podcast Category and didn’t win at the same Awards.

So that’s the transparency issue and the other issue is paying to play. I do not like it. The web is meant to be open and was built on open standards and using many open source tools. If you want to run a show honouring the hard work for developers and companies that invest in the web then the playing field should be level. It’s like having an Olympics but only for rich white men. Not going to be the same is it?

People say the Golden Spiders are good for business and they certainly are. I already got calls after the win but I’d never pay to enter them or advise a client to do so. Lots of things are good for business. If you do anything with the tobacco industry or drink marketing you’ll make a fortune too. I’d like to win an Award where as many others are able to win the same Award and it is out of ability and skill that will win it and not how much we can afford. That’s why I started the Web Awards and that’s why I turned down a buyout offer for the Blog Awards as the potential buyer would have changed them to pay to play and ignored some people. There’s plenty of room for both styles of Awards show and maybe even a few more types. I’m sure many of the people at the Golden Spiders would have had to breathe into a paper bag if they got teleported to the Web Awards and away from the safety of their tux. 🙂

So thank you to the judges, well done to Business and Finance and congratulations to all the winners even if I didn’t clap for some of you, like the OSI. Stop robbing people blind for maps. Give our data back to us.

Business Post covers my spat with Pat the Baker and Bebo

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Business Post piece on it today. A right of reply to the comment by the guy from Pat the Baker where he said I was ‘‘totally and utterly wrong’’ would have been nice since they used my analysis as article fodder but the blog post more than speaks for itself as is. For those coming from the Business Post, my correct analysis on the Pat the Baker campaign is here.

Stay tuned to the Mulley Communications blog as a lot more analysis pieces are in the works. Lots of emperors have purchased lots of new clothes in Ireland.

Irish iPhone user? Take the survey, win €50

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

i’m running a survey to find out the habits of iPhone users in Ireland. How you use the phone, what you spend, feedback on the phone etc. If you fill in the survey you’ll be entered into a draw to win a voucher for €50 worth of iTunes vouchers or if you send an iPhone owner to the survey and they fill it in, you’ll be entered into another draw for a €50 voucher.

The Irish iPhone survey is here.

If you have any issues with the server etc. please let me know.

Outremont, 19-Nov-08
Photo owned by kleinman (cc)

New IBM study on consumers and advertising

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Highlights from the survey:

  • Adoption for most categories of digital content services doubled from last year, with services such as social networking now at 60 percent penetration and Internet data plans for mobile devices at over 40 percent for respondents globally
  • 76 percent of consumers have already watched video on their PC, up 27 percent from last year
  • For both PC and mobile video, the vast majority of respondents prefer advertising-supported models as opposed to consumer-paid models, representing huge growth opportunity for the industry
  • Close to 60 percent of total respondents were willing to provide information about themselves – such as age, gender, lifestyle or communications preferences – in exchange for something of value
  • The 13-24 year old segment owns an average of between four to five multimedia devices

The many tongues of business

Monday, November 17th, 2008

Help! My tongue stuck!
Photo owned by jerine (cc)

The more I meet businesses big and small and business people big and small, the more I see how many different ways these businesses communicate both internally and externally. It makes me wonder whether one of the main skills of an excellent sales person is not acting like a foreigner in a company but somebody who can speak to them in their own language.

If you think about those that may have learned English as as second or third language though and when they come to Ireland, they have a lot more to learn because of how we use and abuse English. Our English is quite different to the English of those in the UK or Canada or the United States. Only when someone starts becoming native do they get all those nuances. If you as a company are selling to the SMEs, medium-sized enterprises and large corporates then your language probably has to change to reflect this. Far far far too many sales people use their own bullshit-laden language to hide the fact their clueless about how the potential client operates. Shame on the client for allowing it. Shame on the sales manager for hiring such false people.

The Cluetrain Manifesto talked about the fact that enterprises are going to have to become more human in order to engage with the democraticised masses but what about engaging with the still conservative medium and large orgs? There are probably more businesses in Ireland without a website than with one, for example and many of these companies probably barely go online. They’re still using their own language and you’ll have to find out what it is.

From the Cluetrain:

# Conversations among human beings sound human. They are conducted in a human voice.
# Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.

And they call it puppy love (45/52)
Photo owned by timparkinson (cc)

If you’re a small operation you’re going to need a gifted salesperson in order to talk to all these businesses and their dialects. Luckily with technology and the movement of intra and inter business communications to open/transparent spaces online, we can now immerse ourselves a little bit more in the culture of these businesses and additionally as a company opens itself up more, their dialect will change too. Hopefully that won’t be a mid-Atlantic drawl. Look at how much hiphop culture, a small subculture in actuality, has greatly influenced the culture of the whole world. So it will get easier over time but it’s going to be slow moving.

It’s kind of funny that so many social media consultants are talking about “markets are conversations” and to market to where the crowd is yet marketing to the crowd is not done by everyone. We have a bit of a revolution going on when it comes to online marketing and selling to the kids of the digital age yet there doesn’t appear to be any revolution in doing this the other way around. Where are the classes on how to communicate with the dull (but rich) corporates? Where are the guide books with phrases or words used in Irish SMEs, in Irish Corporates, in financial companies, in manufacturing companies… oh actually here’s one on jargon from John Murray from RTE but it covers more than business jargon.

When BizCamp happens I’ve love to start a group discussion about this idea of language.

Komplett suggest most Irish people are idiots

Monday, November 17th, 2008

By not being a customer you’re an idiot says new Komplett advertising campaign:

Komplett says you're an idiot
(Begin the photoshopping)

I’m not sure how such a campaign will go over in Ireland. By using emotional blackmail to push people into shopping with you, you can quite easily turn them against you. This has to be the stupidest advertising I’ve seen in Ireland in a while. Let’s hope these ads don’t encourage additional name-calling between people.

What it also suggests is if we somehow use that thing called logic is that unless you’ve always been shopping with Komplett then you too are an idiot but Komplett want your money anyway. Now that’s respect for the customer right there. I used to recommend to lots of friends and associates. That stops today.

This is their press release on the matter:

“You’re Not An Idiot, Right?”, Komplett Asks Consumers
Key Facts

· Komplett is asking consumers across the country if they are really silly enough to be forking out massive amounts of money over the odds to retail stores this Christmas

· Flagship campaign rolled out across the country on billboards, in newspapers and magazines to point out the massive savings to be made purchasing online versus in the high street

· Challenging campaign with the slogan “You’re Not An Idiot… Right?” to drive the Komplett brand home and pick up market share from the rip-off-retailers

Update: Via an email from their country manager:

Of course a campaign like this is supposed to generate some interest – we’re a much smaller player, relatively, and have to make noise in a smart manner. I think that once people get past being called an idiot, they’ll take home the message that they could be saving themselves a lot of money by purchasing online.

… I’m just glad it’s garnering a response at all

Cork Prison spends 90k on taxis over 3 years

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

The more puntastic headline for this could have been: Joyce Le Taxi

Perdões-MG Taxi e Presleyson
Photo owned by Presleyson Lima (cc)

I’m loving the Government eTenders site. Currently just searching for any tenders awarded with the Cork keyword. Found this:

The Irish Prison Service has a requirement for the transport of staff, visitors, prisoners, and small goods within the environs of Cork City and County areas, and occasionally as the need arises further afield. It is expected that the service will commence in early 2008 for initial period of 3 years with the option to extend for a further 12 months. The contracted service provider will be available to provide taxi services throughout the day and throughout the year to Cork Prison, as required.

It’s for 90k over three years starting in 2008 and was awarded to Joyce Russell Cabs

210k ex vat to run Enterprise Ireland’s email list and newsletter from 2007 to 2010

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

Via the eTenders site:

Enterprise Ireland invites expressions of interest from suitably competent firms for the Publication of eBusiness Electronic Newsletter – eBusiness Live and management of eBusiness Discussion Forum 2007-2010 for the web site.



Total final value of the contract(s)
Value:210450Currency:EUR Excluding VAT

This would be Richard’s fav mailing list.

Sunday Brody Sunday – O’Briens don’t want to pay double time

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

O’Briens press released today about them not wanting to pay double time for people that work on a Sunday. Naturally they threatened 60 jobs would be lost. In fairness lads.

A Partridge on London - Time Out
Photo owned by Annie Mole (cc)

Brody Sweeney (not pictured) stated in the press release:

“This Sunday ‘double time / time and a third’ comes from a period in Ireland where there was no Sunday trading to speak of, and where many employers used Dickensian tactics with their employees. In modern Ireland, Sunday trading is a fact of life; most employers offer Sunday hours on a purely voluntary basis, and of course we have no ability to charge extra to our customers, to reflect the increased cost” he said.

Currently 75% of O’Briens’ 126 stores on the Island of Ireland are open on Sundays. They anticipate that, if NERA continues to enforce these regulations, at least 60 job losses will needlessly have to be made