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The Google Phone (again) now with GrandCentral and Jaiku and what if Cubic Phones got into the mix?

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

News came out in the past few days that the Google Phone/GPhone was not afterall going to be a hardware device and that Google was working on something like a competitor to Windows Mobile. Told you so. 🙂 Anyways, with the Jaiku deal announced yesterday, I thought I’d re-examine the Google Mobile software suite that I think they’re developing and add in thoughts on recent acquisitions.

First GrandCentral. With the purchase of this company, it means Google can now offer a single number for your phone or even a different number per country so people can phone local numbers but connect to you no matter where you are on the planet. You are free to create rules for that number so at certain times of the day, only family can call and everyone else is diverted to your desk phone or to voicemail. Certain numbers you can just block forever. Blocked number rings in? Send them to the spammer voicemail. Client number ringing in? Send them to the business answering service. Will this be one of the features on the Google Mobile Operating System? It should be.

Now to Jaiku. Dave Winer said that Scoble rang him and said the Jaiku deal was not about Twitter but about Facebook. Bollox to both reasonings. The Jaiku purchase was not about Twitter or Facebook or the threat from either, Google is working on something else to combat Facebook. Jaiku, in my view will be integrated into this Google Mobile Operating System/Suite that I believe will be able to work on a whole slew of phones.

Jyri himself from Jaiku pointed out how Tim O’Reilly thinks that the mobile phone addressbook could itself be the killer app for Web 2.0. Jaiku already has software for Nokia phones that does this. You can see who on your addressbook is on Jaiku and you can see their status. This is what it looks like:

Jaiku address book

Now, imagine having a phone where all your contacts will also show a status (blank if they not using Google Mobile Services/GMail). Scenario: Ok, Jim is in a meeting right now, so I won’t bother calling. Fiona is also in the meeting but her status says she will reply to IMs, so you IM her from your phone. Change your own status to say you are in Denmark now, only important calls can be taken. Paul is on holidays so he says ring Jim. Julie is driving home, contact her after 5 instead. Gah. Notice how simple status messages are proving to be more and more important? This so reminds me of the inch speech in Any Given Sunday.

Jaiku is also perfect for saying where you are which can tie itself into the geotag information on Google maps. Tell Jaiku (or whatever it will be called with Google) where you are and it can tell you what are good places to eat nearby and it might even tell you if any business contacts are nearby.

Now for the Cubic phones. The key thing about them is that they have a sim card so sit on a normal mobile network but they also sit on a wifi network. Imagine the Google Mobile Operating system running on Cubic phones? Google is giving it away, so flash the Cubic phone to run it. You see your address book on your phone and a special icon next to those people who you can call totally for free and likewise they can see you are in a wifi zone so can call your from their PC or wireless device. Why do you need a €700 phone just for WiFi? The Cubic phone is cheap as chips, gives you WiFi and cheap roaming too and when on WiFi free calls to anyone on GTalk/GMail or on the Cubic service. Cubic already have deals with WiFi networks but imagine if Google, an investor in FON also said, “any phone with the Google Mobile OS can use FON for free calls and data”? And all without any lock-in with operators. I’m sure Google is hoping and praying that there’ll be lots more Cubic Telecoms in the not so distant future as they mess with the existing mobile cartels. I do too.

Fluffy Links – Wednesday 10th of October 2007

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Nice rant from Suzy.

Ron Mueck is a legend of an artist.

Yeah, more facebook jokes. Cheers Matt.

Google trailerpark.

We need a mobile web camp too. Do we have enough Irish companies working in the mobile space?

Politics and Web 2.0, How not to do it.

Korn – A.D.I.D.A.S. (Final Destination 2 mashup, one of best opening scenes in a movie ever)


Google buys Jaiku, please let them make use of it

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Congrats to Jyri and the gang in Jaiku, the better microblogging service out there. Announced on his Jaiku, Jyri told the world that Google now owns Jaiku. Let’s hope they won’t fuck it up as much as they fucked up Dodgeball and all the rest. I don’t want a valuable service like that ruined but it will be interesting to see what they will do now when they have Google resources behind them. Another part of the Google social networking service? More details on their blog.

Using GMail to spam filter and virus clean your non Gmail email accounts without changing email application

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Using GMail to spam filter and virus clean your non Gmail email accounts (,, etc) without changing email application.

As well as being a very good online email application, GMail is fantastic for filtering spam and warning you about viruses in your email. You can avail of this service even if you have an or or account and still use Outlook or Eudora or whatever to check the mails. And all for free.

Google has allowed you to download GMail mails from your GMail account for years now and you can also forward emails from your own domain to your GMail address and use it to filter emails for spam as well as viruses. Handy out. Recently they’ve allowed Gmail users to access other email accounts and load them into your Gmail account and again filter the emails for all the crap they get these days. This is what I do for an account that I’ve used for years and which gets 100s of spams and viruses a day.

I’ve been telling people recently about how this is possible and after looking around for a guide online, I can’t find anything apart from the old ones that say “forward your address and then download to Outlook”. I told a good few people I’d write them instructions on how to do this, so here’s a quick guide:

I. Sign up for a GMail account.
II. Set up your or account so GMail downloads email from it.
III. Set up GMail to allow you to download mails from it.
IV. Set up Outlook or Thunderbird or Eudora to download mail from GMail

I. Sign up for a GMail account.

Go to and sign up. Remember the email address and the password.

II. Set up your or account so GMail downloads email from it.

  1. Click Settings from the top of any email page.
    GMail Settings
  2. In the Settings list, Click the Accounts tab.
    GMail Accounts 1
  3. In the Get mail from other accounts section, click Add another mail account.
    GMail Accounts 2
  4. Enter the full email address of the account you want GMail to access, then click Next Step.
  5. Gmail will populate the Username and POP Server fields, based on your email address. Enter your Password.
  6. The next screen will give you a few options. Choose what you want but I’d leave them all alone.
    GMail Accounts 3
  7. Click Add Account and that’s your or account being accessed by Gmail.

Now that GMail is checking your email and filtering it for spam and viruses, you will need to download that email from GMail.

III. Set up GMail to allow you to download mails from it.

This bit is easy enough.

  1. Click Settings from the top of any email page.
    GMail Settings
  2. Choose the Forwarding and POP tab.
    GMail Accounts 4
  3. Click the “Enable POP for all mail” option.
    GMail Accounts 5

Next up is changing the settings in your existing mail client to download mail from GMail and not from the existing account as that would be futile, now wouldn’t it?

IV. Set up Outlook or Thunderbird or Eudora to download mail from GMail

The gist of this is that you should change your username and password in your mail account to be the new one you created with GMail and change the server details in your client to the settings for GMail. Google has a very comprehensive guide for most mail clients and you should check the settings against that.

Basically under POP3 settings in your mail program you need to change the server to: and change the port number to 995 and specify that your server requires a secure connection (SSL).
For SMTP or outgoing mail you need to change your server to, change the port number to 465 and again specify that your server requires a secure connection (SSL).

Don’t forget to still use the existing email address for your reply to and from etc.

Arcade Fire tickets for October 23rd in Phoenix Park

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

It seems I have spare tickets to Arcade Fire on the 23rd. I don’t like to sell on tickets so I’m open to suggestions on how I should give them away. Suggestions in the comments please… 🙂

Fluffy Links – Tuesday October 9th 2007 (Part II)

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Update: And this is where I realise yesterday’s fluffy links only went out this morning. So today we have two scoops of fluffy, not one. Ooops.

Fustar has a new home. Redo your blogroll folks.

The Newswire is back. Yay.

Wanna job?

No lady, your car was not stolen.

Wow. Photos of teeny tiny things.

Best headline of the day.

A coach carrying the jury for the inquest into the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, has crashed outside The Ritz Hotel in Paris.

The Data Protection Commissioner now pretends to be concerned about Bluetooth. Headline grabbing again but never will they do anything productive since that takes effort. Sham.

Selling links on your blog? Google might just wipe your blog off the net.

New blogs on the block from yesterday.

Bat For Lashes – Whats a Girl To Do

Mercury Rev – Goddess on a Hiway

Fluffy Links – Tuesday October 9th 2007

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Have a look at Neill’s new blog. Soapbox free with every read.

Check out Finola, I like her blog.

What good reviews? Bribe bloggers.

So apparently Phil is the next Ze. Hmmm, I dunno. Ze used to sprinkle his videos with amazing stuff that would really make you think. Phil has the sarcastic commentary down for sure but I’m still waiting to be wowed by new insights and where are the songs?

Get your Justice D.A.N.C.E. T-Shirt here.
And here’s the vid:

Outsiders speech from The Field:

In the age of social objects and one to one conversations, broadcast is back

Monday, October 8th, 2007

Mobile, Email, IM, Bebo, LinkedIn, Facebook, even Twitter. Technology allowed us to connect with more people outside our traditional social groupings and allowed us to stay connected with all these new people. The bonds might not be as strong as those bonds with close friends and associates but each connection still taxes our time. Now we connect with people via email and IM and we’re adding more and more to those lists. MSN for years had an upper-limit of 150 people you could add. If you wanted to add anymore than that you had to cull your list. They got rid of that a few years ago and I think I have about 250 on my MSN list now with another 250 on Yahoo! IM and AIM. If I sign into Meebo now (which manages all my Instant Messaging accounts) I get a few messages from people straight away, sometimes I could have 20+ conversation windows open.

The trouble with many of these services, especially email and IM are they have to be answered, right? It’s rude not to respond to a text or an email or an IM and then there’s the guilt. Blackberrys have made this worse. They are evil. They create more email and just continue on the ping pong game instead of solving it. Programmes like Getting Things Done create new artificial rules on how to deal with the email onslaught but all they are really are new ways of filing the emails. You still need to deal with them and when you answer one email, you’ll get another. That’s why lots of people declare email bankruptcy. Same goes for blogs. As the numbers of visitors to blogs grow and the numbers of comments grow, the more you see people turn comments completely off as they just cannot manage and moderate all the comments. This happens especially once the trolls move in or what you discuss is in some way controversial.

There’s a number called the Dunbar Number which is derived from a theory that we as humans can form about 150 proper friendships or relationships with people and our brains can’t handle more than that. From the Wiki entry:

Dunbar’s number, which is 150, represents a theoretical maximum number of individuals with whom a set of people can maintain a social relationship, the kind of relationship that goes with knowing who each person is and how each person relates socially to every other person. Group sizes larger than this generally require more restricted rules, laws, and enforced policies and regulations to maintain a stable cohesion

Accidental or otherwise, features in the same technologies that are overloading us might help us out with this overload too. Status messages in GMail chat and MSN IM mean we can put quotes, song titles or statuses in that space. MSN is the one that really promoted this and you could actually get a summary of what people were up to without having to message them. It really was just a social hack but it worked well.

Broadcast is back. In the age of “conversation” and “markets are conversations” and “social objects”, where blogging is about a personal communication with people, it seems that because technology increased our native Dunbar number, we are failing to keep the relationships going and so services like Jaiku and Twitter are working on the status broadcast idea: In 140 characters or less, tell your collective contacts what you are doing or up to. It’s a broadcast and there is zero expectation for a reply.

Twitter status

Facebook too has a status, which Bebo also adopted. The status is probably one of the most useful things about Facebook and allows you a very very quick summary of what your friends are up to or are thinking. Facebook too gives the voyeur like “News Feed” which allows you to see what those connected to you are doing on Facebook. New photos, statuses, comments they leave n other profiles, new blog posts etc. etc.

This is the News Feed from my profile, just for statuses:
Facebook feed

I think these type of newsfeeds will become standard on most social networking sites and we might see them also become features on other communication services. There doesn’t seem to be another way of managing connections so well, without directly messaging people and starting the overload once again. I’ve gotten messages over my status and I’ve read the status of some people and digested the information. I know about what they are up to or their thoughts on the match last night without having to start an email or an IM. I do it at my pace and they announce at their pace. Of course another easier method to handle all of this is to just cull all your contacts. As a communications addict, I’m not sure can I do that.

Fluffy Links – Friday October 5th 2007

Friday, October 5th, 2007

Una will crawl over glass for us, this time she read Hot Press so we don’t have to. Depressing.

Dickie Rock reviews this week’s singles. On Craig David’s ‘Hot Stuff’, he says, “I love the rhythm, he’s a great singer.”

Uhm. Jesus.

Michele points out GMail doesn’t help you if you want to track abusive emailers.

Open Coffee Galway is on today. Go!

Yeah, what is Arcade Fire up to? Maybe they’ll give away the Radiohead album for less than free?

The new Sony Bravia ad with stop-motion clay rabbits. Now it makes more sense.

Did anyone know the guy who co-founded (Larry Sanger) but now loathes Wikipedia gave a talk in Dublin recently? MP3 of his talk here.

Is the nanny state mentality stopping progress and innovation? Peter Cochrane is asking.

Lethal Bizzle Police on My Back:

You might like it unless you heard where it was cloned from.
The Clash – Police On My Back

Cork Film Festival Details almost released

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

No Country For Old Men is on the list though. Woo. The one I’m looking forward too is:

This year’s Film Concert is the unique performance of the Beth Custer Ensemble from San Francisco, as they accompany the 1929 Russian silent film, “My Grandmother”. It offers a special opportunity to view cinema at its best, with a Live soundtrack matching the amped up energy of the film.

A few years back for something, not the filmfest, Lambchop did the live score for an old silent movie in the Opera House. It was fantastic. When I was in Paris, the er, 4th last time, I saw a live orchestra do the score for a Harold Lloyd film. It was fantastique.