Archive for July, 2007

Fluffy Links – Friday July 20th 2007

Friday, July 20th, 2007

This is the most fantastically nerdy and clever thing I’ve seen in many a year when it comes to bargain hunting. Use http headers to check how long a car ad has online and with that info leverage your bargaining skills. Brilliant. DIGG it if you want.

Indo talk about eircom splitting up. Something I discussed on Monday. Yay for validation.

Una did some live blogging yesterday. Twenty did it before too. Perhaps Una should take it one step further and sign up to and do live TV from wherever she is. One mobile broadband card, one video camera or Nokia N95 and live 🙂

Just cos:

Irish Tech Vapourware – Making a list

Friday, July 20th, 2007

So what were the greatest pieces of Irish Tech Vapourware ever? I asked this on Twitter yesterday. Steorn, Digital Terrestial Television, Broadband via balloons (yes ComReg suggested that), the mobile web, Unison set top box…

For those not friendly with the term, Vapourware is a product that was much hyped and promised but never materialised but is on the way still, no, really, trust us.

Anyone else got suggestions?

Digiweb announce mobile broadband – For, uh, the Fingal Area

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

From their newsletter:

Back in May, we announced details on our Mobile Broadband plans after being awarded the 088 mobile number. If you are in the Fingal County area and would like to get your hands on the hottest technology around, contact our Business team on 1800 94 1000 for pricing and plans – you won’t be disappointed!

Well it is mobile, in a very localised way. If you are interested in signing up when the mobile broadband service moves outside the Fingal County area, then you can fill in this form.

EU to put stop to IRMA suing filesharers?

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

Via Torrentfreak (and other sources 😉 ) it seems that ISPs might only be legally allowed to hand over details of filresharers in criminal prosecutions.

Kokott, top legal adviser to the European Union’s highest Court said that while it is a requirement for ISP’s to divulge personal details in criminal cases, the law does not have the power to force them to disclose the same in a civil case. In Europe, the personal, non-commerical sharing of copyright works is a civil issue.

The statement was issued to help judges come to a decision in the case involving Promusicae – a Spanish music industry organisation – and Telefonica, Spain’s biggest ISP. Promusicae sued Telefonica after they refused to reveal the identities of some of its customers who were accused of swapping copyright music using the file-sharing software, KaZaA. If it had been successful, Promusicae would have used the information to take legal action against those it accuses of sharing music to which it holds the rights.

Begin intensive lobbying from record companies round about … now.

Makes me wonder about suing anon bloggers for defamation?

Aodhan Cullen – Businessweek Young European Entrepreneur

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

Congrats Aodhan. Very very well deserved. Been using Statcounter for years. Fantastic service.

From a press release:

Dublin; Thursday, 19th July, 2007: Dublin born Aodhan Cullen, founder of Irish headquartered StatCounter, has been named as the Businessweek Young European Entrepreneur of the Year. StatCounter, which provides free web site traffic statistics, has 1.4m members 40% of which are located in the US. 24 year old Aodhan Cullen started the business when he was 16.

“I would like to thank Businessweek and those who selected me,” commented Aodhan Cullen. “This is not really an award for me but recognises our members who have helped us to build one of the most popular web analytical services and web sites in the world.”

Cullen, a graduate in 2004 of DCU, was always interested in running a business. At the age of 12 he set up a business typing CVs. He then got into developing web sites. From here the idea for StatCounter was born. “Clients kept saying to me ‘the site is great Aodhan but is anyone actually visiting it?’” It was this experience that sowed the seeds of StatCounter.

Fantastic – Seanad Vote for sale on eBay

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

I love it. Dan and Braz seem a little excited about it. Chicken little says the sky is falling due to this affront to Irish politics. *yawn*

Kevin Rafter offered two of them for sale in the Tribune. I hope he makes some cash.

Fluffy Links – Thursday July 19th 2007

Thursday, July 19th, 2007

Tee hee. It’s so Homer. – Get that useless twat back. This is Niall‘s baby and he is looking for feedback on the idea. Lawyers, will he get sued?

As Una points out Derek Byrne over in Phantom will be doing his album show on Jackson C. Frank. Tune in on Sunday to learn all about this guy.

Nice overview of VMWare fusion for the Mac.

Roam4Free gets some attention from Google. Acquire!

Dedicated to Pat and Google:

and maybe this one too:

Just business – PV, Profiles, Wicklow

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

Signups to Paddy’s Valley now that it is crunch time are beyond pathetic. 4 people have booked hotels when around 20 people originally said they’d go. We’ve agreed to keep registrations open for another week but after that, anyone that wants to go can go book the hotel themselves. The trouble is, we had planned on 20 people and were getting a group discount for that so for the very few that have gone, it might now cost more. After all the work from Conor, James and myself and the commitment from Enterprise Ireland, it’d be a shame if a whole 6 people walked the walk.

I mentioned yesterday that I want to profile tech companies. I’d appreciated if you could spread the word on that and add yourself if you fit the criteria.

Giving a talk in Wicklow on Monday. Pop along if you’re in the neighbourhood.

He’s back – Dave’s Rants are back

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

Welcome back dude.

Fluffy Links – Wednesday July 18th 2007

Wednesday, July 18th, 2007

I’m with who?

Gesture based channel hopping. Oh I bet you could have all sorts of fun reprogramming that.

Harry McGee has a new home online.

So has Rate This Toilet.

Are you a Gay? Then you can’t join Facebook. Sorry Gay Byrne. Our loss I’m sure. Yeah right.

Google Universal Search. Now you’ll need an SEO equiv for YouTube and other media sources? For Delicious too?

Intel has a VC fund?, but they’re not investing here.

Profanity usage. Yeah.

This Meteor free calls on Sat or all weekend long deal. How far can you push them on it I wonder before the “excessive usage” kicks in?

Via Rick:

Boro Pat. Unlike some of the others, this one isn’t racist.