Archive for the ‘online marketing’ Category

Irish Companies on Twitter

Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

I’ve already mentioned Recruit Ireland being on Twitter. Twitter account here. But there are more too:

For example:
Muzu TV is on Twitter and having fun.
Conduit Ireland are there.
Vodafone Ireland – not sure is this an official or unofficial or faux account.
Setanta Sports.

Any more out there?

Update: Yes there are –
Poetry Ireland
Bubble Brothers and here.
iQ Content
Litriocht – online book shop
Herb Street Restaurant
Electric Picnic
Irish Music TV

El Alma del Ebro
Photo owned by Paulo Brandão (cc)

They’re starting to get it!

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

Yesterday we had eircom set up a YouTube channel and show off a vid and now we see that the Sunday World have their own video channel and a vid:

Fun times!

Online Marketing – The Art of being Subtle

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

When you start your car in the morning you know from the sound in the first few seconds whether there’s something wrong with it or not. When you’re driving it you can tell if something is wrong with a tyre by the feel from the car as it moves. These things are probably too subtle for someone that doesn’t drive your car. They’ll know the ways of their own car, not yours.

It’s being able to feel those subtle things that separates the amateur from the experienced person and it’s subtley that’s needed when you’re trying to market to people online, on social networks and everywhere else where the flocks are a a-flocking to these days. It comes as no surprise that the Web 2.0 consultants of last year, who previous to this were probably mobile web consultants and wap consultants are now telling companies how to market to the Facebook generation without getting the feel of them. They’re now rebranding themselves as social media consultants by the way though they’re fecked if they can actually explain it without using buzzwords.

Face your friends with beautifully clear skin
Photo owned by Uh … Bob (cc)

Chris Brogan is a great “brand”, he writes some great stuff but his latest blog post has led me to unsubscribe from him. In it he gives nine ways to promote your blog posts. 9 ways of pissing off people to varying degrees. Oldschool marketing at its very worst. Quantity not quality. Engagement does not mean harassing. It’s online chugging.

Automated Twitter posts when you create a new blog post, FriendFeed silo crapola, LinkedIn status changes advertising a new blog post etc. The one that’s truly insidious is where he says leave “constructive comments” on blog posts that are relevant to your own post and change your website address to be the one of your blog post.

find a recent blog post that has related information. (Now, this is different than what you MIGHT normally do, so pay attention). In the URL part of the sign-up form, put the link to your post, not your blog in general.

A slightly better version of what this joker has been trying. Most blogging platforms don’t have a field for “Blog Post you wish to pimp to readers of this blog” but they do have Website Address, how utterly rude and ignorant to use it to pimp a blog post.

It’s like this. If you have to go and track down blog posts that fit into the same bracket as your latest blog post then you shouldn’t be commenting on those posts should you? If you don’t happen across them or are already subbed to these blogs then you’re just a manual version of the blog spam robots out there. You leave comments on blogs to add to the conversation, not hijack it.

He also suggests “Stumbling” your own posts on Stumbleupon but points out this is rude so go off and stumble a few non-you blog posts and sites and then Stumble your own. Totally against the open philosophy of Stumbleupon and other services. Why not just say “in a conversation about yadda, only whore your business once in every ten sentences”. Sneaky social selling.

This advice is on a par with people that sell links from their blogs or write sham reviews for pay per post or linkbait 15 other bloggers in a post to get adulation or rewrite someone else’s work and tart it up as an ebook which you’ll only receive once you sign up to their newsletter. Big massive, super, extra bonus FAIL.

Cpatain Fail
Photo owned by pinguino (cc)

These gobshites that are all about quantity.

There’s far too many snakeoil salespeople acting as social media consultants that haven’t one iota of how people interact online because they don’t do it themselves. What they do instead is come online, blog themselves up, leave comments going back to blog posts they’re written, tie their blog posts into Twitter and spam people they’ve added there, do the same on Facebook. They don’t interact or engage.

Online marketing does not = Finding New Online Gathering Places + Old Skool Marketing to them
There is no real interaction, there is no hanging around and experiencing the flow of a system. It’s the person that goes “Hi how are you? Great, now let’s talk about hamburgers, do you like hamburgers, well let me show you a new way of cooking them.” You’re a mark to them, you’re a target, you’re a mole that needs to be whacked over the head. They don’t care how you are, the question is just an in to your attention.

Rules and Balance
Then comes a backlash from this bad marketing and businesses think you can’t talk yourself up in these new spaces or self-promote. You can. But there’s a balance or rather an imbalance. People in these spaces act differently. Like every local bar has its own ways and etiquetteso do onlin audiences and like bar to bar it varies from online space to online space. People don’t mind you automating your blog posts in Twitter (well most don’t) once your account is not all about the blog posts and nothing else. You need a mixture. More interactions and less automations but you can have both. Even without automations, letting us know about every blog post you wrote isn’t very nice is it? If your blog is good, we’d be subbed already right?

Recently a company with a blog spammed bloggers via email about something that really was not relevant. The reaction was “but we’re bloggers too” and it wasn’t arrogance it was ignorance. Never was it thought “if we were good bloggers we wouldn’t need to send this by email, we’ve have stuck it on the blog which is well read (since we’re good bloggers) and it would have been picked up and redistributed from there.” While it can be good for discipline, boxes to tick can ruin the fun. Twitter check. Followers check. Arsekissing comments to build rapport and get followers back, check. Spammed followers about eBusiness newsletter, check.

It may seem like more work to start with but if you want to market online in 2008 either spend the time to learn the subtleties or hire crowds that do. Maybe ask those social media folks for links to their Facebook, Twitter, Blog etc and see how they’re using them.

A blog/feed reading list for Irish PR/Marketing people

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

I know this is done by some PR folks in the UK, where they pre-populate Netvibes accounts with 20-30 feeds of blogs and sites about PR and Marketing so I wonder what would people recommend in an Irish context?

For Irish PR and Marketing people dipping their toes into reading blogs and feeds using a feedreader, what would be the 20 feeds you’d suggest that they read? Mixing it with local and international, business and fun?

Seth Godin would have to feature.

Locally and more onliney perhaps Piaras Kelly and Cybercom, Richard Hearne too, Paul Dervan and for a fresh and cranky (and so honest) take on the interpipes and all that, there’s Sabrina Dent.

From the UK check out Simon Collister, Drew B and Will McInnes.

He probably blogs too much but Jeremiah Owyang is full of social media/webby goodness.

Irish Business Blogger wise you can have:
Keith Bohanna
Pat Phelan
Murphy’s Ice Cream
Worldwide Cycles

A much longer list of Irish Business Bloggers.

Who would you recommend on a list of 20? Different lists for different industries? Even for businesses big or small I’d make it mandatory to have off-topic fun blogs in there too. Afterall we’re all meant to be a little more social these days and differing perspectives are important.

Recruit Ireland understand Web 2.blah

Friday, August 1st, 2008

Well done to Recruit Ireland who seem to have an understanding about how the 2008 web is working.

RecruitIreland Web 2.0

Not only are they doing RSS job feeds but they also have a Twitter profile and have an application for Facebook allowing people to search for jobs. They also have a Bebo profile, though no job search app on that just yet.

I’m most impressed with the Twitter profile because they’re using it in the best way it can be used.

RecruitIreland Twitter

It’s not broadcast. It’s interacting with people and has a person behind it. Too many people don’t realise that “social media” brings back most value when there’s a personality and a friendly manner. Blogs work best when it’s a person writing and interacting with people leaving comments though it could just be used to house press releases, Facebook could be used for a bland profile but it becomes more valuable when those connected to you get some banter back and likewise with Twitter, you can just use it to link to new blog posts (and this can be automated) or you can use it to interact and immerse with people.

See, the more human you make your business interactions with other humans the more value it has. That’s how social media works best. It’s harder work though, maybe that’s why so many companies take shortcuts and screw it all up? It’s great to see Recruit ireland become human. Their blog must be just around the corner so. 🙂

Online Marketing on YouTube – The Wrong way

Friday, July 18th, 2008

Fucking hell.

I thought this was that German “safety” video where it all goes wrong.

Marketing on YouTube: Spammers always find new marketing methods. Good.

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

From email marketing and clever subject fields to hooking people via YouTube, spammers always are the ones trying new ways of getting attention. The two screenshots below show a clever way of using the YouTube “Annotations” option that is now in YouTube to get attention. When I first saw this I thought YouTube had finally found a way of doing proper ads. Not so much.

So we see an offer of sending a song to anyone that subscribes to the channel. Use a spellchecker next time son. But hell yeah, why not add an annotation to ask for subscriptions and some genuine free offer?

YouTube Spam

We also see an annotation to look at another video that you can click on. Great idea.

YouTube Spam

Why not create a video with compelling content and then an option to learn more about your company at the end of the video instead of just a pure sell video? Or do a general overview video of a new phone and then additional videos to get into the detailed stuff for each part of the product? “Want to learn more about this menu on our phone? Click here” “Want to learn about this next feature? Click here”. YouTube themselves recommend games via videos. “Click here to see if Mary makes Choice 1”, “Click here if you want Mary to make Choice 2”

Start using YouTube folks.

  • 1. It’s free.
  • 2. There’s lots of people on it who can find your video via related videos or searching.
  • 3. Your videos can be embedded on YouTube so that means blogs, discussion forums and the much hated but massively used Bebo can spread your product videos.

No Annotations in this video (tut tut) but a great video from Sophos visually explaining security issues on Facebook. People will no doubt watch a video where they would not have read a security whitepaper or walkthrough: