Archive for the ‘irishblogs’ Category

National Dialup Tender – 2 year wait before some will get shit Internet

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Longwinded piece but the gist is: The National Dialup Tender will use Three Mobile Dongles, no fixed line, no fixed wireless connections. 1Mb download, 200k upload. Or a Satellite dish!

From question time with Eamo today:

Deputy Eamon Ryan:

As regards the timeframe for completion, the ITT requires that all houses and business premises must be provided with a broadband service within 22 months of the signing of the contract. 3’s response to the ITT meets that requirement. The finer details are being worked out at present and will be finalised at contract signing which is expected to take place on 11 December 2008. As regards the bandwidth and download speeds, 3 will extend its network to provide mobile broadband services into the NBS area.

In recognition of the fact that some areas will be very difficult to reach using standard infrastructure, 3 will make available a satellite product. The specific details are being discussed with 3 at present and will be finalised at contract signing. In order to protect the integrity of the procurement process, I do not propose to release details of the value of the NBS contract at this time.

Liz McManus asked this of Eamo then:

Does the Minister accept that, in fact, there are people who are not in the broadband scheme and are unable to access it even though their area might be described as having such access within the indicative map? We are going to end up with the anomalous position where people cannot access, for example, the 3 service, but because they are described as having access, they will not be able to avail of opportunities under the broadband scheme. Could he, perhaps, give us details of the technology platform, the guarantees in terms of speed, the penalties if the target of 1 megabyte is not met, as well as the coverage targets? Cost seems to me to be the only reason 3 got the contract, but how do I know, since I am not getting the information. The Minister is not willing to give us the cost, but he should at least give us the information about safeguards.

And here Eamon admits that the scheme is just a whole load of mobile dongles:

Deputy Eamon Ryan:

I am reluctant to give this information until the contracts are signed, which will be within the week.

The service that will be provided will meet with widespread public support. There have been concerns with regard to the start of the roll-out of certain mobile broadband services over the past year. We should recognise those services have just started and there are naturally teething difficulties. That said, we now have approximately 250,000 people who have signed up for such mobile broadband services. We must also recognise that because 40% of our houses are one-off houses in the countryside, we will always be a country where mobile broadband services are in higher demand than in other countries. We may develop a benefit from this, particularly where we can get new evolving mobile, wireless and other connections onto fibre quickly and provide good high quality services.

Simon Coveney needled him then on the mobile:

Deputy Simon Coveney: However, the Minister seems to suggest that part of the solution will be provided via a mobile product, but one can get a mobile broadband service in a number of these grey areas already, whether on top of a mountain or wherever. The issue with regard to broadband connectivity is not about mobile services. Is the Minister suggesting that 3G or 3 will put up mobile masts in these areas to provide for broadband via a mobile phone?

That may be a useful service for people who want to access the Internet on their mobile phones, but it is not a consistent enough solution for people opening businesses in parts of rural Ireland that cannot get broadband currently.

Go Simon!

This resulted in:

Deputy Eamon Ryan: I used the term “mobile” in the way it is commonly used, as in “not fixed” line.

Deputy Simon Coveney: We want clarity.

(Very Tom Cruise in a Few Good Men!)

Deputy Eamon Ryan: This means it is connected to one’s computer or to whatever hand-held device one wants.

Deputy Simon Coveney: It is not mobile then.

Deputy Eamon Ryan: I am not restricting people in terms of how they access the Internet. However, we need broadband access. In this case, we will have speeds of over 1 megabit download and over 200 kilobits on the upload. There is also provision for those speeds in the services to be improved in the five-year period the contract will cover.

Ortie links – December 2nd 2008

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Via Annette: The Tribune did a tut-tutting piece on Fearghus Ó Conchúir and grants he got to be able to do his work as dancer-in-residence for Dublin City Council. Some fancy editing suggested to me that the money was mis-spent:

Ó Conchúir, who lives in London, even managed to squeeze in trips to Shanghai during his tenure as Dublin’s dancer-in-residence. His job was to surprise and entertain members of the public with his impromptu routines.


Luckily Fearghus has a blog, a good one too so why not subscribe, so he got his right to reply to a dodgy piece of journalism.


Dermod has reviewed Oedipus Loves You which is on at the Project Theatre for another few days. He suggests you get there and see it pronto.


The concluding part of the Art of the Ordinary programme is on in Dublin this week.

Friday December 5th
Forum: Creating Memory 10.30am-12.30pm
Memory building and archiving in the context of current visual arts practice – to what extent and why, are artists exploiting the ‘folk’ memories and traditions of the past?
Speakers including: Linda Ballard, Curator, Ulster Folk and Transport Museum; Sonia Boyce, artist; Tony Candon, Director, National Museum of Ireland – Country Life; Pat Cooke, Lecturer, MA Arts Management, UCD; Andrew Duggan, artist; Sandy Fitzgerald, Director, Olivearte; Prof. Kerstin Mey, Director, Research Institute Art and Design, University of Ulster; and Aishling O’Beirn, artist.
Chair: Declan McGonagle, Director of the National College of Art and Design

Followed by interventions:
Sonia Boyce
Andrew Duggan
Alanna O’Kelly

Venue: Dublin City Library & Archive, 134-138 Pearse Street, Dublin 2

All events are free. A light lunch will be provided.

For more information please contact CityArts on 01-6394608 or

Giving Thanks – Via LinkedIn

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

It being the season of goodwill and all of that, it’s worth noting that this can be done in many many ways. Right now with the recession biting and many good people being let go or made go part-time, it’s worth making a little effort in pointing out to others the good work they’ve done with/for you. Other people don’t even know it but they’ll be let go soon too. It’s unfortunately inevitable. One way for me to give thanks to people is LinkedIn, where over the next few days I’ll try and recommend as many people that I worked with as I can.

Map at Nemuro Station
Photo owned by shirokazan (cc)

It doesn’t take much effort at all to make a recommendation but might be of immense benefit to the person you’re recommending. Don’t do it for any other reason than to recommend the other person. Don’t expect reciprocity. Also don’t ask for recommendations from people you haven’t worked with. That’s messy.

On that topic, please note I’ll be doing that LinkedIn thingymajig with it@cork next week and I’ll put the notes for it online after it. 50 people have so far registered for it. I would have thought events like this would have been snapped by a recruitment company to sponsor… 😉

Fluffy Links – Tuesday December 2nd 2008

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

Fergal’s post-Obama’s win blog post is sobering but hopeful about Irish Politics. Blog post of the month for November.

I so want to go whale watching after reading Calvin’s post on it. And so I have. Booked it after reading Calvin’s post and am possibly freezing some bits off on a boat off West Cork later today.

The IIA released their Business Blogging Whitepaper and are asking for comments online.

Geek Girl Dinner in Dublin this Thursday.

New Irish blog (to me): Muse

Nice interview by Krishna with Joe from RTE on social media.

Nialler’s latest podcast is out.

Good post from David Cochrane on using a mobile broadband dongle to create a local wifi spot.

Win a coolio prize for saying Rick O’Shea is cool.

Britt points out a great quote for our recessionistic times.

One of my fav blogs of late is The Dieline. Even if packaging design isn’t your thing, there’s some beautiful stuff on it.

Oscar Wilde is on Twitter, of course.

I can’t get behind that:

Thom Yorke – Black Swan (Not an official vid)

And the winner of the SEO competition is…

Monday, December 1st, 2008

The winner of that competition is, if we go to

Winner of Geansai Gorm competition

Congratulations to Paul Savage for his Geansai Gorm site

Honourable mentions: Cormac Moylan for going pure Irish and including the fada and seeing where it brought him. Some nice research into how Google really doesn’t pay attention to the Irish language too.

Keith Shirley for running Google Search Ads just for this competition. A fantastic way of getting the attention of the people interested in this competition. Well done Keith.

Shame we saw some sites banned by Google for spamming. Hilarious that a fake press release made news in Limerick.

Many of those involved found it a learning experience though some I’m sure were bored to death by it too being the experts that they are. For the Web Awards 09 there’ll be some kind of practical part that will either be about pure SEO or recognise it. (Best Practice this year had an SEO element to it.)

The Blogging Bank – RaboDirect now have a blog

Monday, December 1st, 2008

RaboDirect Blog. Comments are open. Their GM is blogging along with other RaboDirect employees. This is certainly a first for Ireland. Impressive.

piggy bank
Photo owned by IngaMun (cc)

Of course we also have the No Nonsense Blog too. (Currently featuring Roddy Molloy)

And we have the fun Irish Mortgage Brokers blog from Karl Deeter which takes no prisoners and has pictures of KITT and Arnold from Diffrent Strokes.

So in the very conservative world of finance we have banks, mortgage brokers and insurance companies blogging. If they can do it, other industries can too.

Fluffy Links – Monday December 1st 2008

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Grandad’s new book is out soon. Pre-order.

Indiecater have a Christmas Album out. All new tracks from some great artists. It’s December, I’m allowed to use the other C Word now. Shurrup.

Nice work from Cormac on looking at Google search results that come back in Irish but are pretty weak at giving good results for what was asked.

Fine Gael did a dumb thing? Noooo.

What a cool editing/writing policy from Bloomberg. No buts.

Social media might not be right for you. Perilous waters. Danger Will Robinson.

Go, topping monthly web stats already.

This was one VERY weird interaction on Twitter.

Sorry but I don’t see why a bit of work 20 years ago on a song entitles you be like an ugly Baldwin brother, you know, living off that whiff of fame forever after. I think the BBC were far too sympathetic to the artists over this. Copyright should be short-term advantage not some damned nobility right.

Fox News told Fox off by Obama’s people.

Us Now – Documentary about Government, Web 2.0 and participation

Via YANP – Will it Blend does Thanksgiving:

Via Frank Das Shadow – Navigate The Menus:


Friday, November 28th, 2008

In London for the weekend. No posts til Sunday night. Play with the buses or amongst or with yourselves.

Museum of London at night
Photo owned by Matt From London (cc)

I Trust Tommy

Friday, November 28th, 2008

I Trust Tommy

I Trust Tommy.

Rick does too.

Fluffy Links – Friday 28th November 2008

Friday, November 28th, 2008

Manky Toy Show, ready to go. Ho ho.

Only in fucking Ireland could you get off from drunk driving with this excuse.

Via Paul Meaty! A chicken stuffed in duck stuffed in a turkey, all wrapped in bacon.

Friend in Dublin is looking for someone to move into her flatshare. Details here.

Five things you should know about Advert Recording. (An Irish perspective) I like this:

Smile when you read, trust me this makes the read so much more inviting to the listener, you look stupid in the studio, but you can hear the smile and the warmth that generates

The IIA’s Social Media Working Group are inviting you to give feedback on ther Business Blogging Guide which will be released soon. Oh and you have to pay them 30 quid to give them feedback. Not very social then is it?

Too soon too soon! Concentration Camp Lego.

What is it with Australians and Facebook and getting caught?

The Dutch get their own typeface. Nice.

Via Jonathan is this video of video in video:

Now playing in the Abbey: The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui