The people of Cuba are allowed to purchase PCs at long last. I’m sure many played around with homemade ones anyway and nicked ones. I’d love to see what they created themselves, it’s amazing what they have done with their cars from the 1950s. Ingenuity, it seems, thrives in environment where there’s scarcity.
This Niall McElwee thing is full of twists isn’t it?
Loving the new and free Nine Inch Nails album. Loving the way they are marketing this even more. Pay attention record industry.
Read this piece about Gary Vaynerchuk. Fascinating guy. A total energy bunny and a very rich man thanks to blogs and videos.
Not a sitcom a SATcom. A comedy you download to your GPS device set on a motorway journey. A really interesting blend of technology and art.
So someone already made an open source of Microsoft Photosynth and it looks like an open source version of their surface table thing is available too. Imagine if Microsoft themselves open sourced their model? Better yet, the Zen, it might sell more than a million!
# An abundance of information can create a scarcity of context
# An abundance of choice can create a scarcity of advice
# An abundance of content can create a scarcity of time
# An abundance of people competing for your attention can create a scarcity of reputational ways to choose among them
What mischief could you do with one of these. Here it was for Bud Rising but what would you change it to and what building or place would you project it on?
Onyx and Biohazard – Slam (Gotta love the camera posturing)
So yeah, if you think I’d be interested in linking to you or if you see something you think would make a good fluffy link. Read the Fluffy link guidelines.