Archive for the ‘Fluffy’ Category

Fluffy Links – Monday September 1st 2008

Monday, September 1st, 2008

James has a laugh and has created the FluffyLinkulator. A rapid inclusion service for your website. It works too! Kinda honoured he used that name.

Una talks about a new Cork music docu.

Bad cops bad cops, whatya gonna do. Garda van in Oz.

My friend Terry and his missus are traveling the globe for the next few months. Follow their adventures here. Really gonna miss them but great to read about where Ter has puked already.

Rubber Ducky!

Cool Sites. Another web enterprise from Michele. Nice one.

David Armano points out there’s already fan fiction Mad Men sites and Twitter accounts out there and how this is a good thing and the show producers should back the fuck off, basically.

The Voice Stick. Nice idea even if it is a concept piece right now.

Via Jonathan Hopkins – Hedluv

Saul Bass. Best known for his collaborative work with Hitchcock, Preminger and Scorsese, Bass on Titles presents a comprehensive, well-rounded retrospective of his film title sequence design.

Fluffy Links – Friday August 29th 2008

Friday, August 29th, 2008

I actually feel guilt when I don’t get my Fluffy links out first thing in the morning. Happy Electric Picnic Friday!

Nominations for the Irish Web Awards close in a few hours. Get last minute nominating!

Nialler’s Electric Picnic Mixtape. Go get it!

Rhymes With Porridge – Daithí Mac Síthigh has a new blog.

Via Annie MoleSteve Guttenberg is in the Cinderella Panto this year! Mahoney!

What a clever business card for a fitness instructor.

Who Is MSNBC Anchor Joe Scarborough?

John Maeda on the simple life

I like it, what is it?

Via Sizemore Dark Knight gets darker – Cut scene which may feature in the DVD extras:

Fluffy Links – Thursday August 28th 2008

Thursday, August 28th, 2008

Murphy’s Ice Cream did champagne sorbet at the Rose of Tralee. Check out the great pics.

Meanwhile the Crossanator talks Rubix and Roses.

Great pics of damaged and baked computer goods from Joe in PutPlace. Geeks may cry.

Light from heaven. Anthony has a lovely post about the Media Training I did in Cork yesterday but his pic of the urinals in the Cork Airport Hotel shows how the lighting almost looks like rays from heaven directing you to go for a pee.

The hotel is also the venue for the Digital Media Island event tonight. Come one, come all. It should be a good evening with a few tech demos and lots of networking.

SoundCheck is hosting a pre-Picnic party @ Spy, South William St, on Thursday with DJ sets from Adrian Crowley, Sinead Ni Mhordha and the SoundCheck DJs. Should be great fun, and a good way to start your Picnic weekend!

There’s also a tweetup too at Electric Picnic at the Pink Boat!

Hugh has a great post about living on the edge. Well worth reading no matter what type of business you’re in.

Beckham got his eyes done? Apparently so.

Seth Godin says click on ads to say thanks. Jesus, he’s getting it less these days. Ads = not tip jars.

Nice jump in Internet usage in Ireland.

Hands free cigarette what? WHAT?

Fluffy Links – Wednesday August 27th 2008

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

Very late but what the heck!

SoHo Solo, the West Cork business network has a new blog/website. I do blogs. No need to give them my email to get updates now. Good man Calvin!

I like this from OFTR. Dell Boy.

I love FFFFound. What a cool image.

There’s now car pooling/hourly car rental in Cork.

Senator Mark Daly now has a YouTube channel. No need for ambien for those sleepless nights now.

For those that like their statporn in graph format.

And then Debz points out StairPorn.

Propose Live on TV with – I expect a sister site called to pop up any day now.

This is marketing. Clever Burger King.

The Scottish are coming. Hard Working Class Heroes lineup announced.

So the Sunday Times want to know about every communication between Independent News and Media since 2006 and that od the Dept. of Comms. At the same time Smart Telecom want to know about all comms between the Dept and everyone else when eircom cut them off the telecoms grid. (This resulted in all of Smart’s phone customers being left hang and had to move back to eircom or another porvider.) All this and more in August’s Dept. Of Comms FOI requests.

This is my rifle. There are many like it.
Green Rifle
Photo owned by davidwhitewolf (cc)

I dunno, it was in my head and I was looking for a picture with colour in it.

Fluffy Links – Tuesday August 26th 2008

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

Time is running out to nominate sites for the Moviestar Web Awards. Get nominating!

David points out a handy app that can be used to subscribe via email to blogs, even if they don’t have that function set up. Handy for those that like to get emailed copies of blog posts.

Win a website for your small business via

Another Labour Councilor is blogging. One day all their blogs will be on the Labour website, where they should be. I hope.

Meanwhile Barry from Eastenders is after joining Fine Gael.

Simon shows how you can win a logo tender got the Government.

New blog: Philip McCusker.

Don Norman:The Psychology of Waiting Lines. Nice essay.

A stupid filter. The YouTube comment filter. Removes dumb.

New video from My Brightest Diamond. This woman rocks.

Between a rock and a soft place. Cushions that look like rocks. More.

I’m reminded of The Wire. Italian drug dealers using Skype and other tech to avoid the cops.

Loving this Obama T-Shirt.

Two Ronnies – Ardware store

Fluffy Links – Monday August 25th 2008

Monday, August 25th, 2008

New site: I’m Not a Racist But. I wonder where it points to?

Cork ExpressionEngine Meetup. Counihans bar, Cork Wednesday 27th August

Don’t forget the Digital Island Cork meetup the following evening.

Frank talks about Blood and Bandage a new theatre fest for Cork from September to October.

Wolf Parade, November 29th in Andrew’s Lane Theatre.

Fluffy, Pinky, Red, Clucky links, now we have Chibi Links.

Eh? Via Value Ireland

It’s against data protection regulations to let consumers know that they are potentially at risk of having money stolen from them. It’s against data protection regulations to give consumers the information that they would need in order to allow them protect themselves against being ripped off by credit card skimmers.

Meanwhile Bank of Ireland will not release the report the Data Protection Commissioner did on their laptop thefts.

Michele asks is the Irish Internet prudish? Well the Irish Domain Registry are. Banned from being registered, for example.

Irish Rail. Not always cunty.

Downing Street has a little fun and the Tories moan over it. Check out the YouTube video:

Fluffy Links – Friday 22nd August 2008

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

Moviestar Irish Web Awards – Nominations open to all now. Nominate all your favourite websites. Even the very modest ones who didn’t nominate themselves.

New blog: An Cathach.

New blog: Sharona. My my.

Dear Kevin Myers, Dick O’Brien just gave you a can of shut the fup.

Those two lads still need sponsorship for their charity drive.

Top Ten Fan Pages on Facebook.

A pill to feel autistic?

Phil’s done some nice rain themed photos of late, like this.

Cathal points out Comreg spectrum oddness.

Hah, the iPosture. The nagathon.

Ahh crazy signs!

Via Keith, EA and Tiger Woods respond in a fun way to a fan vid about a bug in their gold game:

Fluffy Links – Thursday 21st August 2008

Thursday, August 21st, 2008

Paul Daniels? Paul effing Daniels? A crush on Paul effing Daniels!

Chris did his own Tuesday push, for Gamesenders. No reason why people can’t push services they like without adhering to the every second Tuesday idea.

Kenny Egan Facebook fan page.
Mary O’Rourke thinks she works like a..

New blog from Colin Cooney.

Guy in a wheelchair blogs businesses he can’t get access to. Mashup with Google maps and set it in Dublin, Cork et al? Chances are that a few of the subscribers to this blog will end up in a chair or will have some kind of mobility issues, my own chances with MS mean it could very well be me. Let’s be selfish and only consider this for ourselves, yeah?

And with that in mind:
Dublin are doing this:

In Dublin, citizens are being asked to participate in the city’s accessibility audit, aimed at identifying areas where access may be difficult for handicapped or disabled persons. Using the ICiING platform, citizens can take photos of problem spots with their mobile phones and send them in to the city authorities with a comment.

David Beckham, the musical. ka reist.

From the Mozilla folks, Ubiquity, a kind of command line for the web thingymajig.

Tom Nixon blogs about his agency’s work with the sex industry and why they voted to work with them and then a good bit later democratically voted not to work with them. Very open and honest. Refreshing.

Via Piaras – Maser at work:

Fluffy Links – Wednesday 20th August 2008

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008

Back to school money saving tips.

Great photo from Katherine.

New blog: Thomas Geraghty
Stunned has the list of damaged art from IMMA. This is terrible.

Via Piaras, new academic blog from Stephen Kinsella.

I see Blacknight are diversifying.

Leaving Cert student? Have a look at Zulu Notes.

Google results without Google owned properties showing up.

Hysteria time as the Italians welcome the army to deal with gypsies.

Fire up the Bullit theme tune.

She broke the glass.

Reviews of iTunes Appstore apps.

Alexia already blogged about Fine Tuna and it gets my vote too. Another beautiful web app from SpoiltChild.

New blog. Haulbowline Opinon.

For Tommy: The pancake song (it’s a bit naff really)

Fluffy Links – Tuesday August 19th 2008

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

Why I call Web Awards sponsors “Angel Sponsors“. None of the sponsors sit back and watch, they take an active roll in the Awards and muck in both in terms of promoting it and also in organising it. 16 sponsorship slots left.

Noel thinks Jed Bartlett Bill Richardson might be Obama’s Veep. Five time Nobel Prize nominee!

Ultimate list of Web events in Ireland.

The Crystal for the National Irish Food Awards looks nice.

New blog, site. Paddy Brown.

Rick O’Shea porn. Holy cow.

Amazing photo of the Guinness Storehouse Gravity Bar.

Want some Sugar Daddy? Fringlish.

Great idea. Y-Combinator is open sourcing angel funding legal docs. Could this be done in Ireland? People contribute money to a kitty that gets standard NDAs for Ireland done, standard angel funding legal docs etc?

Simon riffs on the Berocca Blogger reachout campaign thingy and what could have been improved.

Forrester are now doing Social Media Awards.

Another great interview with David Simon from The Wire.

Via You Ain’t No Picasso

Jamie Lidell: “Hurricane”

Staying on weather, tornado versus a bus in Poland.