IDAFYfA – I didn’t ask for your advice. You can guess the small f.
Following on from the blog post about viral ads, I’ve decided to come up with equally useless suggestions for other companies and individuals without them asking. Thus the name of this not very regular column.
First victim is the eternal Larry Gogan. Larry, famous for his sixty second quiz would be ideal to host a podcast called “Sixty Second Interviews”. Like many publications in Ireland (though they fail to mention it) it would be a pay to be interviewed style segment. Corporates would pay 500 euros to have Larry Gogan interview them, but just in sixty seconds. Not a lot can be said in that time but with the right questions and an interviewee with some coaching, enough could be presented. Obviously there’ll be a chatty style preamble with the guest before the ticking stopwatch but the whole segment would take no more than five minutes.
Rent a professional studio for one day each week, have Larry come in and interview 10 or so individuals. Larry wins, the backer wins, the interviewees win. The legend of larry carries on for another few years, the company would be happy to show off that they were interviewed by Larry and tell all their clients and there’s enough money for Larry to interview non-paying guests too.