Archive for April, 2008

Two Tribes: Jazz Biscuit Versus The Chancer

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Pop quiz hotshots, is it Jazz Biscuit or is it The Chancer? Forget Daddy or Chips, this is more important. Channel Highlander and all of that. Queuka bar lat.

Chancer V Soggy biscuit
The Chancer rose from the asses, er ashes of Blogorrah and started to reclaim the tiara of best pop/goss/stop on the web and they’re not dead yet but new kid on the block JazzBiscuit (known as soggy to some) has hit the ground punning and is finding all sorts of wonderful stuff. But you gotta decide now because Star Trek science says only one can exist in this reality. Choose!

Play this vid before you decide.

Note to Del and JB: none of this diplomatic shit of respecting each other and all of that. Broken bottles of buckfast and throats a.

Bertie Ahern is resigning – Tuesday 6th of May he’s gone!

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

And he’s going…

More soon.

Watch Live.

And now them’s fighting words. Live TV stream down. Listening to Radio1 instead. “One truth: Never personal interests ahead of public good”
Never received a corrupt payment. Some aspects of my finances are unusual.
I know in my heart of hearts I did nothing wrong.
Best interest of party and country to set out time of leaving.
I’ve decided on my own volition to up date of departure.
Tuesday May 6th he’s gone.

The Indo headline today kind was WRONG:
Indo headline

Another update:
Check out the puss on Sandal John: (Hat tip Colm)
Sandal John oooh

Fluffy Links – Wednesday April 2nd 2008

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Google “Munster Manager”, g’wan.

This was a good April 1st prank from Kieran.

While it’s a bloody shame this one is. I’d love a crowd who I can post docs to and they’ll scan em in and put them online.

For fuck’s sake this too is not a joke. Now glamour models are needed if you have cancer “up there”? Una covers it too.

Clever. I thought this was an April Fools. It’s not! Yes, do walk around your own constituency in a stabproof jacket. Sends a great message. Fecking eejit.

Brown Energy for the win.

Google says is a bit fishy.

Liquid Kiss. Cute.

Handy. Diary shower curtain.

I want a Pixel Couch.

VIA BB Sweet Home Alabama – Leningrad Cowboys and Red Army Choir


Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

It almost feels like a loveletter.

April Foolsfy links

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Women? Who’d have em eh? I mean, er, Alexia makes some excellent points about mandatory gender numbers and women in tech. engineering etc.

The geeky/techy/nerd readership to this blog is big enough. Got some spare RAM? (that’s computer memory Mum) Then donate it.

Via Soggy Biscuit. K.C.s in Cork has a webcam.

Conor’s piece makes me want to be a scammer. Boo.

Adrian goes all Blogorrah on us.

UK newspapers driving traffic more effectively than Google.

Via Will Mcinnes, via Helenium

Web users are going to bands’ Wikipedia entries more often than their MySpace pages, or dedicated site, by a 2-to-1 ratio.

Really nice desktop backgrounds.

People give their Best Stories ever.

“Artivist’ Will St Leger placed £50,000 worth of fake ‘Bertie’ cash in the baskets of Molly Malone’s statue on the 31st March.” Ort. Yaw.

Fluffy Links – Tuesday April 1st 2008

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Alexia takes on the feminists and those who think women should blog like boys. Hooray.

Gotta hand it to Ben, his reaction to the whole thing is sure to get the pitchforks out.

The Chancer gone? No, back already and an explanation.

Some wiley hacker meanwhile uncovered a lot of docs on the Govt website that maybe should not have been there. Ich bin embarrassed.

Not just disgusting, awful, horrible and unnatural, it’s funny too.

You can’t beat classic 1930s violent comedy though.

No videos today. Sorry.

DublinOpinion thinks has damaged blogging in Ireland.

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

You couldn’t make this up. And I think it’s very very unfair.

one of enormous significance for the Irish blogging community.


The sheer nuttiness of all of this should not take away from the very sober realization that has managed to damage at a fundamental level the Irish blogging world. To say that his actions are irresponsible is to say that sticking your foot in your mouth makes for a gourmet meal.

Put it this way, would YOU argue for self-regulation after this mess?

Dumb and DublinOpinioner.

Myself and Dave Cochrane might disagree on some things, many things but Jesus H Christ and his allstar jazz band, trying to set off the sky is falling alarms because of what happened on one website and subsequent actions of the owner is the most moronic thing I’ve heard this year. Which I had thought was this. The same logic could be used to suggest that a suicide bomber’s actions will be used to regulate and contain anyone that follows Islam. That one website that’s not a fucking blog! can damage all the “Irish Blogging World” suggests to me that Conor in Dublin Opinion has far too high an opinion of blogging and websites.

No blogger or website owner has some kind of duty to every other website owner or blogger or anyone else that types stuff online. Should we hold anyone from one race as accountable for another? Or family or colour or country? But then Conor thinks blogging has a long way to go. I certainly don’t want this long way to go journey to end with me being obliged to blog in a certain way or be self-regulated and kept in check by other bloggers. I owe no duty to other bloggers and if I am stupid and irresponsible then the law can punish me and not some self-appointed online speech police. Don’t like what I say or do? De-link me.

I actually think David Cochrane is owed an apology for those remarks.

Best coverage so far is unsurprisingly on the Cedar Lounge.
Update: Fergal also talks that sense thing.