Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

yeah still here

Sunday, December 12th, 2004

I’m still about. Just no time to post stuff. *yawn*

Show me

Thursday, November 11th, 2004

“Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams. And I’ll show you a happy man.” (Tennyson)

Prisoner Cellblock I

Sunday, October 31st, 2004


John Perry Barlow on John Kerry

Thursday, October 21st, 2004

“I think he’s been in the U.S. Senate long enough to have his backbone dissolved. ”

Not enough people with backbones around at the moment, even those we’d class as the good guys. When an idealist like Barlow has to resort to someone like Kerry who makes him uncomfortable you begin to see just how bad things are in this modern age.

At Times To Be Silent Is To Lie

Monday, October 18th, 2004

At Times To Be Silent Is To Lie – Miguel de Unamuno

At times to be silent is to lie. You will win because you have enough brute force. But you will not convince. For to convince you need to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need what you lack: Reason and Right.


Monday, October 11th, 2004

I see all !

2004.10.01 17:12:42 Search: query for ‘comreg’
2004.10.01 17:24:44 Search: query for ‘dsl’
2004.10.01 17:25:08 Search: query for ‘broadband’


Monday, October 11th, 2004


Dead horse

Thursday, September 23rd, 2004

Sick of this life
Not that you’d care
I’m not the only one with
whom these feelings I share

Nobody understands, quite why we’re here
We’re searchin’ for answers
That never appear

But maybe if I looked real hard I’d
I’d see your tryin’ too
To understand this life,
That we’re all goin’ through
(Then when she said she was gonna like
wreck my car…I didn’t know what to do)

Sometimes I feel like I’m beatin’ a dead horse
An I don’t know why you’d be bringin’ me down
I’d like to think that our love’s
worth a tad more
It may sound funny but you’d think by now
I’d be smilin’
I guess some things never change
Never change

I met an old cowboy
I saw the look in his eyes
Somethin’ tells me he’s been here before
‘Cause experience makes you wise
I was only a small child
When the thought first came to me
That I’m a son of a gun and the gun of a son
That brought back the devil in me

Sometimes I feel like I’m beatin’ a dead horse
An I don’t know why you’d be bringin’ me down
I’d like to think that our love’s
worth a tad more
It may sound funny but you’d think by now
I’d be smilin’
I guess some things never change
Never change

I ain’t quite what you’d call an old soul
Still wet behind the ears
I been around this track a couple o’ times
But now the dust is startin’ to clear
Oh yeah!!!

Sometimes I feel like I’m beatin’ a dead horse
An I don’t know why you’d be bringin’ me down
I’d like to think that our love’s
worth a tad more
It may sound funny but you’d think by now
I’d be smilin’
Ooh yeah, I’d be smilin’
No way I’d be smilin’
Ooh smilin’

Sick of this life
Not that you’d care
I’m not the only one
With whom these feelings I share

Jet man nananananaan JET MAN

Friday, September 10th, 2004

Jump out of a plane wearing a pair of wings and a jetpack.

Head Banger. Get the stress out without doing yourself physical damage.

Sammy the singing Birthday Cake.

Pinball machines used to make art. Pinball and other amusment machines refitted to make art. Interesting concept.

Forever Ruined

Friday, September 10th, 2004
