Archive for the ‘irishblogs’ Category

Fluffy Links – Wednesday January 14th 2009

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

TeenCamp is on Saturday. You going? Got suggestions for group discussions? What would you want teens to tell you about your business or industry?

NiallerH interviewed me on the tellyweb thing about blogs and me and me being narky with EVERYONE and PR in Ireland being dead in two years and got me to say rude words about things. I carried it on over on the business site too.

Today is the last day to nominate blogs for the 2009 Blog Awards. Today is also the day when we have opened up sponsorship for the Blog Awards.

The Rick Campaign is spreading!

McNightmare. If you dislike clowns and stuff, don’t click.

Value Ireland is now on Twitter.

List of Google products that make Google direct and indirect money.

Short fluffy links today. Get nominating!

Skip James sings “Crow Jane”

Rick O’Shea is not a Castrato, give his show back its balls

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

I’m completely biased in this because Rick O’Shea is a good friend but I’d listen to his show if he was a mate or not. Except his show isn’t a show anymore. It’s a playlist with a voice that doesn’t get enough coverage. As you may have read on some blogs and in the press, 2FM made a very silly decision to take an axe to Rick O’Shea’s afternoon show along with the shows of Nikki Hayes and Will Leahy. Rick’s show was a modern radio show, meaning it was interactive, it was guided by pop culture and whatever zeitgeist was happening, it read texts out, it got people to do funny things, it spread the 2FM wings out from radios and into the general populace and the ratings showed it was working quite well. The future of Radio is not the “broadcast out and that’s it” model, the future of radio is about reaching out and getting back and reaching out again. Radio needs to be guided by the voices of those that are listening. We don’t need a Carson Daly radio model.

And now the personality and the soul of it has died. The music lives on but nobody wants just music anymore, as someone said, our iPods will do that for us, we’re much better at being our personal DJs.

They won’t take his blog away though or his chat and banter with us the audience at the Blog Awards or the Web Awards so we can still have fun with Rick there. You can join the Facebook group If It’s Not Broken Don’t Fix It: Keep Rick O’Shea and Nikki Hayes Talking to show your support. Or has Una says, email

Backstage chatter at the All My Models Are Plastic Studios
Photo owned by kevindooley (cc)

I don’t think a Facebook Campaign is enough though but at least it’s a way of showing our support. Join the group, write a blog post and maybe suggest ways of getting this more attention.

Online Business/Marketing style jobs, Cork and Dublin

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

A little clue about the future of business comes from two recent job adverts. are looking for an Online Community Manager. Someone to look after and work with their 200,000ish community. As more people go online, this idea will not be so rare. I love this part of the spec:

We are looking for logical thinkers with the ability to facilitate community discussion with fairness and impartiality. This is a unique opportunity to work with the most fantastic web community in Ireland.

Then in Cork we have a company looking for an Online Retail Specialist:

Online Retail Specialist required for a large Cork based organisation

Reporting to the Online Project Manager, the successful candidate will play a key role in the delivery of a large scale online ecommerce solution. Role will involve working with the online team to shape the entire online proposition and support the delivery of the solution as well as creating the appropriate brand experience

Ideal candidate will have a recognized background in online marketing, in particular with brands with well established online trade as well as excellent commercial acumen, budgeting experience and knowledge of online design.

Email: if you want more info.

Fluffy Links – Tuesday January 13th 2009

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

Recruit Ireland are giving free ads to Limerick companies. Fair play.

And for those in Limerick, Evert and Chris are giving free advice.

Emily Tully is giving free PR Advice.

Via Adrian: Chris Horn tears a new one over Dell. Mary Coughlan, the Government and Michael Dell are not spared. Thank fuck someone who has weight is saying this and not being an apologist and not wanting to offend.

Via Brendan. Take the IIA Business Blogger survey.

I do like a bit of Cedarification.

LOL Fail.

Pocket Walsh. Haha.

Handcrafts are on the way back it seems. Which is not a bad thing is it?

The guy who played Omar has a blog.

Irish Website owner arrested over incitement to hatred?

I do like this poster. Getting people to choose a candidate using gum.

Some amazing social media stats.

Tricky – Overcome

If you like Spiritualized, try Burning Codes for 4 euros

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Belfast band Burning Codes (I’m cogging all this from Indiecater) released a physical album back in October called Burning Codes and now Indiecater are offering it in digital form for a whole €4. Seriously. 4 quid for an album that I must say I was quite impressed with. I’m a fan of Explosions in the Sky, Spiritualized and all those types of bands so Burning Codes appealed to me. Don’t ask me to name what those genres are, music I like is what it is.

You can listen to some of the songs on their mySpace too.

Random pic to add colour to this post:
Photo owned by hayashi yosuke (cc)

Not such a leap forward

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Keith pointed to a doc from the Irish Institute for European Affairs called The Next Leap. I barely agree with any of it. Too much blueskying and sound bites. Too much investing in talking shops and new industry bodies.

Some of the “key action points” from the report and my thoughts.

Commit the funding required to provide sufficient connectivity and equipment to bring Irish schools up to the OECD average, and exempt all school ICT equipment from VAT
Laptops in classrooms is a waste of resources. Laptops outside of school as a policy is needed. Laptops in schools should not be a stepping stone for this. The new whiteboards in schools are already gathering dust in many schools because the basics aren’t being done right. How many Irish speakers do we have because of Irish in school? Putting subjects in digital format does nothing extra. Though it’s a handy number for the sponsors of this report.

Kids need to be thought (ironic I know) taught how to teach themselves, how to discover, how to analyze, how to think. That’s what will get us our knowledge economy. Not HP laptops running Windows.

Support “niche exploration” groups to investigate possible areas of national expertise
Quango quango quango.

Introduce weighted marks at Leaving Certificate level for ICT relevant subjects
Extra points for maths and other subjects to corrupt the system in favour of IBEC like industries? That will get us more kids under pressure to do these subejcts and do honours. More time spent on these than the “easy” subjects. We’ll be in SAT country next instead of a holistic approach. Maths is not education. It will also get more grind schools making lots more money for Maths classes and the like and from it all they’ll do is teach the kids tricks on how to do well in the Leaving Cert, not educate them on the subject. It’s a dog training school that will come out of this.

Establish a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) within DCENR

Cos they did so well with our broadband future. Why the hell should tax money be wasted on this?

Re-task RTE as an incubator & developer of media content irrespective of platform
Yes, cos we want the civil service to use even more of our tax money. Let the private sector do this.

Convene a taskforce to discuss an optimal national strategy to promote Ireland as a location for localisation services

Did Dell teach us anything? This is not high-level work. This is grunt work. It can be moved outside of Ireland quickly. Many of the tech companies are already doing so.

Fluffy Links – Monday 12th January 2009

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Go Naill and people. Nice injection of cash!

Congrats to Pat Phelan for getting featured in the Business Post.

And congrats to Keith Bohanna and the lads in DB Twang for getting featured too.

Meanwhile Sharon’s Gordon aka the Husband lays into Homeopathy.

Via Stephen – An event for manager types that lost their jobs. Starting Today it’s called.

New blog. Fionn Murtagh.

Nice juxtaposition of the modern and er the new.

Great writing advice from Cory Doctorow. Doesn’t even have to apply to writing a book. It can be for anything.

I do like this opening hours sign.

Liking this t-shirt.

Via Aisle One: Massimo Vignelli has published a 96 page book on better understanding typography in graphic design. PDF here.

The Dodos – Fools

Posting a video on the Sunday to fill the content gap

Sunday, January 11th, 2009

Animal Collective – Fireworks

Fluffy Links – Friday January 9th 2009

Friday, January 9th, 2009

Well count me impressed! 24 people signed up to web hosting packages with that mulley voucher code. Glad to see you were able to make use of it. Now they’re offering .ie domains for 10 euros for today only. Use the code: iefridayjan09

Looseville is done by a lad called Alan that lives in Cork. This is his blog. He was recently featured in the Indo. I like this comic he did.

Mucky boots and romance. Wicklow walks for singletons.

Thomas has a post on Online Methods for Online and Traditional Media

More sheer brilliance from Ze Frank.

Great great interview about packaging design.

Conor blogs about the Foodtalk programme. Foodies should tune in!

Nice offers from the Hilton Hotel chain. Cheers Sonya!

Kottke pointed this intro to 3,2,1 Contact. Wow, I am that old:

Tycho – The Daydream

Can we get James to be an intern in Apple?

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

(Spoon feeding Steve his vegan yoghurt or whatever interns do)

James Foley is a UL student who dreams about working for Apple. He asked me to help out to try and get him an internship in Cupertino next year. I’m sure there are some that read this blog that might know someone that knows someone. So can you help?

So as you know at this stage, U.L makes a big deal about sending it’s students on work placement during their degrees. Most people doing my course (Business) get placement with local firms, some even venture as far as Dublin in search for work. But I really want to make use of this opportunity, I want to work somewhere relevant to what I want to do after college. I want to work for Apple, and have made it my number one priority this year to get an internship there starting in January of 2010.

Why Apple? It’s a company I have a genuine passion for, every computer I’ve had since I was a child has been a mac and I think that working for a company where culture and design are held in such high regard would make the early mornings and late nights all that much easier. There are probably people out there that are more qualified than me, that know more about the software and silicon that make computers work, but I honestly don’t think anyone else wants this as much as I do. I want to learn how to make great computers, how to write great applications and to help innovate and turn really cool ideas into really cool products.

So, can we help the guy? Be nice to see Irish people work in the Valley and *cough* get us contacts.

Photo owned by BALLISTIK! (cc)