If you’re coming to the Blog Awards on March 1st, please register. 25 people regged so far. Most of them have not been before, this is great.
Nialler points out that Holy Fuck have remixed Paper Planes by MIA. Such a great band name. Guarantees it won’t get on to 2fm.
Like rain on your wedding day. Rob pointed this out. Cix.ie’s big red door for competent people.
Last chance to register for the Blogger’s Dinner on March 2nd in Cork.
Johnny Beirne has a personal blog now. He also has bifluffyionic eye.
Sinéad’s fluffy Intel bunny suit.
MaxRoam’s party at 3GSM is going to be a blast. If you are in Barcelona around that time, try and get there.
Kottke points out another reason why Matt Webb rocks. This end of year post from him really got me thinking about technology and made me realise I’m such a novice.
Via Twenty Adopt a child that matches your blood and tissue types, just in case you need a new liver or kidney. It’s the new in-thing!
Speaking of the King, what he’s do if he won the Euromillions. Two words: Assassination Market.
The song you hear at least once in some awful bar each weekend. Play it loud in the office now.