Author Archive

The 58 step process for moving the Molly Malone statue

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

From the RPA Tender on this. Fascinating. 58 step process for moving the Molly Malone statue and moving it back.

And the GPS coordinates of all the lamps, lumps and kerbs that need to be moved and moved back in Stephen’s Green.

Somehow reminds me of:

Fluffy Links – Monday November 18th 2013

Monday, November 18th, 2013

Wolfram now bringing out a programming language for the world. Could be very interesting.

10 common mistakes about Business and IT and the Law.

Before the current Internet was the Victorian Internet. Online games, dating and society crumbling under the noise … of the telegraph.

Finally, I think I’ll get an Android device just for Cyanogenmod.

For those that worry about the NSA spying on your devices. Faraday cages for your phone, laptop, iPad.

2014 roadshows on how to apply for tenders. Coming to an area near you. Worth going and worth applying even if the tenders themselves are full of bureaucratic bullshit. There’s money in them thar tender hills.

Strategy Deck. 50 communication tools/strategies/work flows in one app. And it’s free.

via John Kelly on Lyric. Dobrinka Tabakoviain

For Martha

December 2013 mentoring sessions

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

I normally do mentoring sessions with some Enterprise Boards toward the end of the year. They are normally only available through those orgs and client companies get preferences. This year I thought I’d do some public mentoring sessions. One in Dublin and one in Cork. Dublin on December 5th and Cork on December 6th.

Length: A mentoring session will run for 50 minutes.
Cost: Around €45
Location: City Centre of Dublin on the 5th, Cork City Centre on the 6th. (Will email with location beforehand)
Prep Work: Know what questions you want answered and know I can mostly only help during that 50 minutes. Bring a laptop or tablet.

I’m good at giving advice on Digital Marketing, PR stunts and tech startup feedback. Cursing too.

You can reserve the Dublin mentoring sessions by clicking here.
You can reserve the Cork mentoring sessions by clicking here.
Then email me with the time you chose.

Please note: I’ll be wearing a Christmas jumper, you don’t have to.


Fluffy Links – Tuesday November 12th 2013

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

LinkedIn for Business training course on November 20th with me.

Get your business on. Bootcamps for businesses from Realex.

A big social media meetup in Cong, called (obviously) Congregation. November 30th.

Eolai is going to attempt to do 100 paintings in just 24 hours. Tune in, turn on. Paint out.

iQ Content on Google keyword researching. Things have become much harder with all these changes by Google but this post helps a lot.

Guide by Twitter for small businesses on how to use Twitter.

Soundcloud and Instagram integration. Great idea.

This spock versus spock ad is out ages. Loved it though.

I tried to order this book about Jeff Bezos in Waterstones with my Waterstones voucher. They didn’t have it.

This looks fake but it’s definitely not. Launch and land space ships are here.

Paint it Black

Link without fear – Copyright in Ireland in a Digital Age

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

The main report from the Copyright Review Committee has been released. Read the full PDF of it here.

The whole thing is worth a few reads. Well done to Patricia McGovern, Eoin O’Dell and Steve Hedley for writing something readable by practitioners and the general public too. Irish copyright Law hasn’t moved with the times but this report moves it into the 21st century and will ensure it is a little bit future proofed.

Lots of good recommendations but the main ones for me are:

  • Linking is ok.
  • Photos: Nicking and modifying them (including Metadata) is bad
  • DRM: DRM is fine but shitty DRM is not fine and a user has a right to not be hampered
  • Marshalling should be allowed to some degree.
  • Orphaned Works are being recognised.
  • Fair Use will come to pass.
  • Data mining is fine too.
  • Recognition of the multiple media devices every person/family has.

Says they:

Interconnectedness by linking is at the very heart of the internet. However, links simply convey that something exists; but they do not, by themselves, publish, reproduce or communicate its content.

The group recommends that it should not be an infringement of copyright to reproduce a very small snippet of the linked work reasonably adjacent to the link. Snippet = no more than either 160 characters or 2.5% of the work, subject to a cap of 40 words.

However if you link to something that infringes copyright and you do this knowingly then you can be seen as an infringer. Exceptions for education will already apply and here too for news/media types who are doing reporting and point out bad behaviour.

If a news site wishes to expose sites that stream pirated films or music, it would be unworkable if it could not say where those sites are, and the “public interest exception” would allow the news site to do so without fear of infringing

(My reading of this is as a news org you can basically make yourself a directory of pirate movies/software?)

More protection for photographers. Encouragement of using metadata and someone that messed with the metadata is seen as an infringer.

we recommend not only that copyright protection be extended to metadata, but also that its removal should amount to an infringement of copyright

They have nothing against DRM however if it’s shitty DRM, they are forgiving of someone that breaks it to be able to do what they have a right to do with it (Listen on other devices, different device etc.)

we also recommend that users should have an effective remedy where the technological protection measures prevent a user from performing an exception permitted by the legislation

Orphaned Works
When you don’t know who owns a work and you want to repurpose it or remix it or use swathes of it. Up to now you had to find the person who owned the rights, if you didn’t then you had to hold off doing anything. Limbo. Instead now:

Any person seeking to make use of an orphan work, where the rightsowner genuinely cannot be identified or located, will have to seek a licence from the Agency subject to a fee to be paid to the Agency to be paid on to any rightsowner who is subsequently identified or located.

Marshalling is: indexing, syndication, aggregation, and curation of online content. For me this covers sites that aggregate news or basically rewrite copy from news sites like the Irish Times/Indo. You can in essence now reproduce 160 characters or 40 or words less. This may spell some trouble for some organisations.

Caricature, Parody, Pastiche, and Satire
All allowed. Game on.

Data Mining is go.

very significant social benefits stand to be gained from content-mining, and in particular to be gained from a copyright exemption in favour of content-mining for non-commercial research.

Fair Use
I like this :

On the advantages and disadvantages of fair use, there was a great deal of anecdote, but not much by way of determinative evidence.

Fluffy Links – Monday October 28th 2013

Monday, October 28th, 2013

The Toll of Tokenism.

For the week that’s in it, remember Barmbrack? Pumpkin carving is in, this odd cake thing is out.

Via Piaras. Another example of marketing with Snapchat.

A mini-guide to advertising on Instagram. I’d love to see the results.

Younger and younger they get. Babies area using apps on mobiles and tablets already. Plenty of parents I know have apps on their devices to keep their kids occupied at the most opportune times.

The next Guerrilla Gourmet Club is on Friday, November 15. Yum yum yum.

So teens have a little extra privacy built into their Facebook than adults. Wonder why adults don’t get that automatically too?

Tarkovsky Films Now Free Online (Him that did Solaris and others)

I like this success story as it’s very grounded and goes through how it’s not all rockstar underwater cars and parties.

Campfire Cologne.

Netflix about to have more subscribers than HBO. Faster and faster they go…

I’ll drink to that

Fluffy Links – Sunday October 13th 2013

Sunday, October 13th, 2013

Jim Carroll on what comes next for Diageo and us after Arthur’s Day.

Chapter One, the book. Perfect for Christmas.

The Web Awards are looking for a few more sponsors, if you’re interested.

G.K. Chesterston predicting Malcolm Gladwell, Gary Vee, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Seth Godin et all. In 1915.

our modern world is full of books about Success and successful people which literally contain no kind of idea, and scarcely any kind of verbal sense.

Has anyone tried this for their business? Advertising on a porn site.

New Arlene Hunt novel out soon called The Outsider.

I like this. James Bridle making the invisible that’s all around us become visible.

If Apple did smoke detectors

And the first cars in Kerry were owned by… A lot of surnames that weren’t here after 1920.

Sam Smith – Nirvana

No Ceremony

Fluffy Links – Saturday October 5th 2013

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Thank you. Been saying this for years. Teenagers are well aware of their social network privacy settings, the parents that try and spy on them, however are not. They whitewall their Facebook, they remove GPS in photos…

Come home for your tea. Kinsale Arts Festival October 12th and 13th. Listings.

New platforms for poetry.

Cocaine Diaries: Story of a Drug Mule. The opening of this documentary is fantastic and it goes on and on. Fascinating and scary.

Go to Defuse on November 7th. Will be worth it.

Google Analytics to measure your home.

You are using Google NGram, right?

The form for applying for Late Late Toy Show tickets.

Who was the first person to register a motorbike in Kerry? Or car? And the reg? Find out.

Janis Joplin on…

Come Home for Your Tea vid

Come Home for Your Tea with Kinsale Arts Festival from Kinsale Arts Festival on Vimeo.

Fluffy Links – Sunday September 29th 2013

Sunday, September 29th, 2013

Very busy month or so, slow on doing the updates.

Via Eoin. Virgin Mary statues mixed with pop culture.

iBeacons. This is going to be a very interesting area.

In praise of slow design.

Privacy on the Internet. Hah.

Google logging and storing all your WiFi passwords. Luckily they don’t work with the NSA or anything.

Writing your villain.

1000 Startups in France. Twice as good as U.S.?

Paula Meehan, Ireland Professor of Poetry, a podcast with her. And here’s her poem “Home”.

Coke – Karl Parkinson

Coke Poem by Karl Parkinson from LOQ on Vimeo.

Fluffy Links – Friday September 13th 2013

Friday, September 13th, 2013

Remember Get Your War On? No? Dick. Go and unmisremember it. Anyway, they’re doing new videos about the NSA.

AOL Dublin game hackathon on September 28th.

Want to invest in Trouble Brewing?

Now this is how you teach history to kids.

This piece on how Ronaldo’s game was developed and improved can teach us all a thing or two about personal or business development.

The Apple sensor band is on the way, the chip is already made and will be in the iPhone 5s.

“Sees creative destruction as natural, necessary, and as their vocation” Hi, I’m Damien.

William Gibson fans, a Tessier Ashpool t-shirt.

Rip it up and start again