Fluffy Links – Tuesday January 20th 2009

Good luck to the youngfella Obama today. You’ll go far kid.

Been up half the night with the Blog Awards stuff, so the Fluffy links are weak today.

If there is only one post to read today, read this piece taking Brenda Power to task for her attack on the character of Tony Gregory. Dead men can’t argue back.

It is vital to the democratic process that political parties are not restricted from distributing information and contacting the public.

A very reactionary statement from the Green Party after they spammed people. That kind of justifies walking into your home if your door is open and dropping in a leaflet. They won’t be stopped if it’s for politics.

LinkedIn and Facebook Groups for PR in Ireland.

It’s long since dead but I was a great fan of The Parking Lot is Full.

Via Bookslut:

Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan has released his new book The Catholic Orange Men of Togo and Other Conflicts I Have Known free online after the threat of a libel suit by “mercenary” Tim Spicer scared off his publishers.

Get it here.

Via TJ. Someone in eircom on piracy:

Think of it as helping the health and good living of rich cocaine-sniffing rock stars by leaving them with less free money to spend on sex and drugs.

Not that U.N. Declarations matter much but interesting to see the U.S. Oppose one on banning countries making homosexuality a crime. The Vatican also opposed it.

Really interesting tactics the Heathrow protestors are using. Buy land, split it, make compulsory purchases a bit tougher.

Via Jim Carroll:
Errors – Pump

3 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Tuesday January 20th 2009”

  1. Steve says:

    A very reactionary statement from the Green Party after they spammed people. That kind of justifies walking into your home if your door is open and dropping in a leaflet. They won’t be stopped if it’s for politics.

    I disagree totally with your accusation. I think there is a principled point at stake here. As someone who is revulsed by the misanthropic and backward views of the Green Party, I think a free society demands the right to unfettered communication. We tolerate inserts in our newspapers, activists haranguing us on our streets and cold callers for decades, so what if you’re email in tray is full of unwanted stuff. If any viewpoint is reactionary, it is the pettiness of anti-spam.

  2. Thank you for the plug Damien.

    This group, particularly the linkedin one, will not be a simple badge on a profile type of outfit that we frequently see in the Irish Linkedin sphere.

    This group will challenge members to engage with others and harness the benefits of online networking. There are already plans for networking events and discussions as well as an external website to reflect the workings of the network. All we need is the people and their input.

  3. John Handelaar says:

    As an increasingly-pissed-off supporter of the Green Party can I ask that Damien Connon and you, Steve, please shut the fuck up with this crappy defence of the indefensible?

    Here’s a common sense rule for future reference that wasn’t “invented in secret by a subset of bloggers”:

    If the blog is my job, I’m a hack and you can send me a press release (which I’ll bin, of course, because sending press releases is a stupid 80s throwback, but that’s a seperate issue).

    If the blog is not my job, I’m a private citizen and adding me to a promotional email list without my consent and not letting me get off it is spam(*).

    Clear enough?

    (* I wasn’t one of the people they spammed. This language is figurative.)