Vids from the Blog Awards Hotel

I went up to the Blog Awards Hotel today (Cork Airport International Hotel) to take some videos in order to show a few people what it will be like.

This first video is how it looks as if you are looking out the main door. Check-in for the hotel is on the first floor.

This is how it looks behind the stairs in the coffee/meeting area. Check out their hair salon!

We’ll have access to this whole area before and after the Awards ceremony.

This is the cloakroom/registration area:

And this is the area outside the function room:

7 Responses to “Vids from the Blog Awards Hotel”

  1. oooooooh looks awesome, and really weird. Not like a modern hotel at all – as someone said earlier today (forget who), it looks like an acid trip!

    What was the woman in the bottom video talking about? Canvases?

  2. johnbillion says:

    What? No commentary?

  3. […] Inside the Cork International Hotel, it looks amazing. Damien has a few more videos on his blog. […]

  4. Steph says:

    Anyone know who designed it?

  5. Darren says:

    Cool! Very nifty looking place. Really looking forward to the whole thing.

  6. EolaĆ­ says:

    Steph – it was designed by Henrik Frischgesell