Mulley and Markham on MS

I contributed to a piece that Markham Nolan helped put together on Multiple Sclerosis for the Sunday Business Post. My scowl is on the cover of the Agenda section and Mulley on the rocks is on pages 6 and 7 too. Oh how that photo will be reused for a future public upset…

Mulley scowling
Picture of the front cover taken by Bernie.

Markham covers his mother and the tough experience his whole family had with her MS and I give my experiences of being diagnosed with it earlier this year.

The piece I contributed is much longer than what’s in the Business Post and they added in my age to the piece too. I’m 31, not 27 as the article states. 31 and 3/4s at that. Overall the edited version reads very well. However the last two paragraphs which I thought the most important were edited out too, which is fair enough. They’re the pros. I’m including them here as I think it’s worth covering as if it wasn’t for this blog I wouldn’t have encountered other people that have MS experiences:

There are many like me who have MS, perhaps the majority but I only thought of wheelchairs and crutches before my own experience with MS. I might never get another attack and all I have is a slightly moany left side that I can easily deal with. I knew some of the history of Markham’s Mum and I was thinking would that be me in a few years. A few hours after I got out of hospital it was Markham I contacted to ask for his experience. Since I “came out” with MS a good deal of acquaintances and friends have told me privately of their MS or that of their spouse or parents. I was shocked at all these people close enough to me who have experience of MS and I never knew.

My blog has a phrase “invisible people have invisible” rights. When people with MS came to me, telling me their story it helped a lot. I wouldn’t have heard 80% of these uplifting stories had I not disclosed my MS on my blog and to friends and family. It is a personal choice though and being open about my MS has been of immense benefit to me. This was my story, why not tell yours.

Update: A post on this from Markham.

12 Responses to “Mulley and Markham on MS”

  1. darragh says:

    Damien, thanks for posting the article and sharing your story. It’s been a big help. Hope you continue to feel okay.

  2. Phil says:

    Thanks for sharing, I hope things don’t get worse for you.

  3. cgarvey says:

    ‘grats on the article, and bravo for the openness (not just in the article). Many people will benefit from it, even if you never know it.

  4. Grannymar says:

    31 + ¾, sure you are only a boy. Wait until you reach my age!

    Damien that article of yours ‘outing’ MS will help many people you know and many more you don’t. Remember you are not living with MS – MS is living with you! Keep well.

    It was good to chat with you on Saturday.

  5. JohnMRyan says:

    Hi Damien,

    Thanks for sharing your story.


  6. Trinity says:

    Great article Damien.
    Mulley on the Rocks – great pic! 🙂

  7. heather says:

    Wow. That was a great article. Thank you… it’s given me pause for appreciating health- we live in a delicate balance. Best wishes to you and your family.

  8. Sinéad says:

    You’re right about the cut paragraphs – it did seem to end out of nowhere, but great piece. I recognised your mug straight off when i flicked the paper open to do post roast. Ah boss, I’m proud 🙂

  9. Clare says:

    Remember you are not living with MS – MS is living with you!

    nice sentiment from Grannymar. the article comes across really well, a credit to you both.

  10. tipster says:

    “invisible people have invisible” rights

    Which reminds me that I constantly forget you have MS. Which then prompts me to wonder is that forgetfulness because I read only read your blog (and the very rare bumping into you at election counts) or because it is being shut out of my mind. A bit like the “I don’t see you as Black” that is sometimes cited about oh-so liberal and with-it people about their Black friends. (And then, there is the related thread about the schools’ line “[His | Her] being gay makes no difference”.

  11. Sarah says:

    That was a great article. I only found out last thursday I have MS and am still coming to terms with it. Good to know how other fair out when they get the news too. Again what comes up, is the delay in the actual finding out. I was seen by a neurologist in Cork who only tested me for Carpo Tunnell Syndrome – and lacked the investigation into symptoms. I have since been diagnosed in the US which took a fraction of the time. Thank you for sharing your story – still shows us that that the health system is a mess. Here is to better days ahead. God Bless.

  12. Sabrina Dent says:

    I thought it a smashing piece, but FAR more important than that: you look smokin’ hot. I am, however, truly surprised to find so many people have chosen to hide their diagnosis. I find that troubling. I can understand the reasons I am assuming are behind that decision, but the fact that something as broad in presentation as MS makes people fear for their employment, ability to get a mortgage and/or social life is disturbing.

    Your diagnosis certainly didn’t change the way I see you, except I am more inclined to bark at you to get more sleep (because clearly that’s any of my business). And sure, who doesn’t like being shouted at?