Willy and titty jokes – Young Fine Gael campaign for Lisbon

Well found by Dave Cochrane over on (still running despite FF) Politics.ie

What better way to campaign for Europe then get a fit looking male model to wear EU flag underwear and then a not so fit girl to make a grapefruit/titty joke:
Young Fine Gael cock shot

Young Fine grapefruit titty shot

Actual urls for these images: http://www.yfg.ie/downloads/Lisbon%20male.jpg and http://www.yfg.ie/downloads/Lisbon%20female.jpg

Update: Check out how it looks on the Young Fine Gael site. Enda next to the bloke and Olwyn Enright next to the woman.

Young Fine Gael website

Update 2: What the FOCK!!!
Via Green Ink:sinead
Enda Kenny Lisbon Treaty

and Hat Tip to Sinéad: Lucinda and some Jazz Handed guy. Lucinda looks less tanned than someone shocker!

Update 3: And the photoshops er, grow:
Young Fine Gael says Benda over
Via: Devil’s Kitchen

Take Enda With You. FB Group.

19 Responses to “Willy and titty jokes – Young Fine Gael campaign for Lisbon”

  1. Evert Bopp says:

    That’s surely a joke, right?

  2. http://yfg.ie/

    It’s real alright.

    I think you’re meant to put on a resigned grin and say (in a mafioso stylee) “You fuckin’ guysh!”

  3. Anthony says:

    What.. they’re actually putting their names on this? Oh dear.. I think I’m swinging to voting no again just because of this.

    Yes.. I am that fickle.

  4. John says:

    That’s the most pathetic, unoriginal thing I’ve seen for a long time

  5. Oh dear Jesus. It’s Twink all over again.

    We’re doomed to a lifetime of Fianna Fáil.

  6. Trinity says:

    jazus it certainly grabs the attention!
    That guy should have a hairier chest though, just a bit too shiney!
    Reminds me of the EU Commissions promotional video a while back entitled ‘Let’s all come together’! :), in their bid to boost interest 🙂


  7. Piaras Kelly says:

    Presume this is only used in campuses in fairness. College advertisments only seem to consist of phallic objects and innuendo.

  8. Green Ink says:

    It’s getting a bit of a remix over at my place.

  9. Sinéad C says:

    Remix is hilarious but so is… http://www.yfg.ie/photoalbums/album21/BarryLucinda.sized.jpg
    Lucinda trying to get her own back? haha.

  10. Green Ink says:

    Je-sus. Fine Gael, it’s just full of boobs and cocks.

  11. Damien says:

    Fucking Jazz Hands!

  12. Sinéad C says:

    Barry “Jazz Hands” Walsh YFG President/Cyclist… http://www.yfg.ie/photoalbums/album21/BarryLucinda1.jpg

  13. Vote Yes! says:

    […] Irish Young Fine Gael Party says that it’ll give you a big dick/big […]

  14. Smoke says:

    Jeez, that’s pretty bad alright. And someone mentioned the Twink fiasco – wasn’t that Eoghan Harris’s doing? A man who has maintained a high standard of ridiculousness for well over twenty years now.

  15. roosta says:

    Hmm..makes me embarrassed to be pro-Treaty.

  16. emordino says:

    What’s this Twink business? I’m out of the loop, someone url me up.

    > College advertisments only seem to consist of phallic objects and innuendo.

    Any intersection of college and a poster is, if you’ll pardon the phrase, a right randy load of bollocks. The people who come up with them should be given a hearty round of slaps.