Fluffy Links – Tuesday June 12th

So the old Hotel star rating system is not as trusted as it was before. People instead are using the net to search for reviews. Handy for LouderVoice.

Consider signing up for Paddy’s Valley.

Don’t forget the draw for 2 tickets to Beirut.

Hah. Creationist Museum hires male porn star to star in their videos. Forgot to mention his specialist website on his cv. It happens.

Laptops are bad for our body. It’s all in the ergonomics.

Dating girls, a pessimistic nerd chart.

30 Days of Night – Trailer:

Via Mick. The Financial Regulator Ad:

One Response to “Fluffy Links – Tuesday June 12th”

  1. I’ve never paid a blind bit of notice to old-style hotel star ratings. Been in plenty of 2 stars that were great and 3-4 stars that were tips. Amsterdam is the worst “oh you wanted a bathroom in your bedroom? How strange!”