Hilary Clinton Appoints a Chief Blogger

Political wire reports that Hilary hired Peter Daou to be her “Chief blogger”. Has she a Chief floorsweeper and Chief toiletcleaner too? Titles are great aren’t they? Daou is another blogger that worked on the Kerry campaign. We already know what Zack Exley is doing these days. Who’ll be Bertie’s Chief Blogger? Who’ll be rewriting press releases for Fine Gael? Labour already seem to have someone doing that. Sinn Fein, will they go with blogs, maybe not since they think their voters don’t have computers. Great quote from David Cochrane’s blog:

Adams: And what of all these policies, where can we find them?
Quinn: All of our policies can be found on our website
Adams: The people we want to represent don’t have a computer

One Response to “Hilary Clinton Appoints a Chief Blogger”

  1. Hilary,
    Your enemies saw you as a serious threat from day one, even before your husband had been made the Democratic candidate. Through evil power of persuasion they they have “apparently”(only), put “permanant dents in your armor”. But, there is only one true power in all the Universe. And it is He who will see that you are able to carry out what ever it is that He has groomed you to accomplish. And the accomplishment will be to His glory.
    You are in my heart and prayers,
    grandma Kathy