Fluffy Links – Monday 17th May 2010

Jobs jobs jobs

Mindshare Dublin are hiring. Consumer Insights Executive. Hah at “We are seeking someone who is never off the internet”.

Concern are recruiting for an E-marketing Leader.

Have a look at You Book In – an Irish web service that allows you and your clients to book your time. Must give it a proper go soon, something I definitely will see myself using.

The myth that failure is automatically good.

Clever. Converse buys ads next to search terms with no ads in order to get attention of youth market.

iPhone developer? Some interesting stats here on sales, costs etc

via ResearchBuzz is a search engine to find free stuff that people want rid of. ecofreek.

Via the Easy to Use Design Awards with Arthritis Ireland and Pfizer is The Kug. Two Irish design students have come up with this simple but clever concept. Kettle, mug. Kug:

Kug Ad from Ben Millett on Vimeo.

4 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Monday 17th May 2010”

  1. TUG says:


    Surely that genius deserved a fluffy! 😉

  2. vinny warren says:

    thanks for the linkage damien. success!

  3. bloody hell, I’m gobsmacked by that bacon explosion!

  4. oh gawd my bad! I replied to the wrong post 🙂