Fluffy Links – Wednesday February 17th 2010

Been an insane week so apologies for lack of posts here. A few quick links.

What should you as a webdesigner charge? James has some thoughts.

I’m apparently picking fights with people at the Digital Landscapes Conference on March 3rd. I guess they have me in for the big brother entertainment factor while others are taking the thing seriously and giving good proper insights to business.

One of the (I’m told by DMI) very view Google Analytics trainers is in Dublin next week to do two days of training in association with the Digital Marketing Institute. Details here.

Is this your password you see before you? Phew.

How to overcome creative block.

Safe haven for journos and content creators in Iceland? Interesting concept at least.

Guns n’ roses – The Garden

3 Responses to “Fluffy Links – Wednesday February 17th 2010”

  1. Barry Hand says:

    €499 is a tad pricy, as the excellent Conversion University http://www.google.com/support/conversionuniversity/ covers very similar material and preps for the IQ exam.

    That and reading Justin Cutroni’s blog would be cheaper – http://cutroni.com/blog/

    It being a recession and all

  2. James says:

    Thanks for the mention Damien seems to be a very interesting topic for a lot of people 🙂

  3. Natalie says:

    Damien, we look forward to hearing your “insights” on the day, the fights are a bonus !