USB Album

download music usb

Got one of the USB albums in the post a while back from them for free.

Artists featured include: Saccade, The Rumours, Driving By Night, The Radio, Roberta Howett, The Flaws, OrphanCode, SUDDYN, Ro Tierney, Codes, Justinmanville, Dirty Epics, Jo and the Flood, The Kinetiks, Vesta Varro

I was expecting the usual Irish musical compilation album, you know, one or two good tracks and the rest being shite. WRONG. Very impressed with this. I’ve heard a few too thanks to Phantom but the quality of the bands and artists is really good. I’m now chasing up on some of the bands. There’s a lot of talent on this album. Only issue is I won’t use the media player that comes with it and the mp3s when loaded into Winamp has very messy song titles/names. An m3u file would have been handy.

I remember reading somewhere that the newest bands are influenced by the whole world now. They can connect with bands who only ever had an audience of 60 in their local town but the second their music is online, kids from the other side of the world can sample their work and get influenced. Hopefully in the next few years with such diversity of influence we’ll hear some amazing new stuff. Looks like we’re getting some of it with this album.

8 Responses to “ USB Album”

  1. Phil O'Kane says:

    I miss winamp 🙁
    Though I never used the m3u files, just added to my mp3s directory and made sure tags were correct.

    now if only i could find a programme that would fix my untagged files on my mac…

    As for the compilation, I only know 4 bands and wanna get to know the others.

  2. Andrew says:

    See, the rest of us have to pay €12.99 for it, which is quite a lot for an album which features only 2 acts I’ve ever heard of. I’m still tempted though, after your glowing review.

    And I have absolutely no idea what an m3u is, I’m just not down with the kids any more.

  3. B'dum says:

    I hate memory stick albums, can’t stand them.

    I’m basically anti-Irish music since the Immediate split up though.

  4. Ina says:

    Oooh I want one!

  5. Nay says:

    Must agree with you Mulley, the album content is really strong with several well-known bands alongside some relatively obscure newcomers. Would’ve preferred less boring Vesta Varro/Dirty Epics in favour of more Ro Tierney but that’s the way the panel vote. Still good to see determination and effort to give Irish music the attention it deserves.
    Very disappointed with shoddy ID3 tags which make importing to iTunes (and probably all music players) a very annoying experience because no one wants to edit titles in order to keep a tidy library. Certainly the most important factor for future improvements.
    Also took ages to figure out how to release the hidden USB slot but sure, all part of the fun, like hidden sweets in your tricycle panniers on Christmas morning!

  6. Johnny says:

    @Damien and Nay – Apologies for ID3 tags – presumed the artists had this sorted :(.

    @Andrew – I seen a BLANK 1Gb for €19.99 the other day. If if you wipe the songs off, it’s still good value for a USB key.

  7. […] already covered the album that they brought out. One of the guys behind the site is Johnny Beirne who has been a music fan […]

  8. […] recently released a USB album. This is an album on a USB 1GB USB key with 15 tracks for €12.99. Damien Mulley reviewed this USB album a couple of weeks ago. A great idea, an empty USB stick could cost more than […]