Indo gets tired of waiting for Blogorrah, starts own blog

Though it is a Sports blog. Nice to see the Indo get into blogging though and good to see a fair bit of content on the blog already. Welcome to the Blog O’Sphere Peter Bills. I note by the subdomain that we can probably expect more blogs too.

6 Responses to “Indo gets tired of waiting for Blogorrah, starts own blog”

  1. Twenty Major says:

    Sports blogs are the retarded cousins of blogging to most people.

  2. Niall says:

    When the Indo site got its revamp a few months ago you could post comments on the opinion pieces. That didn’t last long.

  3. Jason Roe says:

    FYI comments are still open. When you have a lot of content, someone has to manage all of the comments. No point being half arsed in managing comments or you will just end up in a big mess.


  4. Niall says:

    Comments were taken off the opinion pieces, Jason. Myers getting too much abuse, I daresay.

  5. Jlo says:

    Doesnt look like Bloggorah is coming back

  6. Jason Roe says:

    Sorry I missed the opinion bit 😛 No idea why that is tbh