Boost your search rankings, with a WordPress lean, direct from Mr. Google

Matt Cutts is the guy inside the Google search engine bunker who talks to the outside world. He was at the recent WordPress meetahon and gace a great talk on ways to get Google to love you even more. Read his blog post and notes, read a written transcript and thanks to onemansblog, here is a video of the talk:

5 Responses to “Boost your search rankings, with a WordPress lean, direct from Mr. Google”

  1. SEO for Blogs – help Google find your older content

    Richard Hearne writes (a bit) about Search Engine Optimisation for Bloggers. One point that he made in his review of Pat Phelan’s (Roam4Free) site was how to help Google find your older content. Taking this advice, I’ve installed the Wordpr…

  2. Paul Browne says:

    ISME are encouraging companies to invade the privacy of job applicants by reading their blogs and facebook profiles

    Now excuse my French , but if you don’t want your stuff to be read , what the …. are you blogging for?!

    We’re all living in the Big Brother House now 🙂

  3. Paul Browne says:

    Opps! At least if I go to the bother of cursing , then I should at least curse on the write blog post. Should have been here:

  4. Damien says:

    Will I delete once you move them over?

  5. jameswillisisthebest says:

    This is my first post
    just saying HI