Fine Gael or Fine Gowls?

Just read over on IrishElection that Fine Gael think Internet users won’t vote, lads and ladies, maybe they won’t for you. Lots of non-Internet voters won’t either. Probably the majority.

Online is cheap, but the people who are looking at it aren’t likely to vote on election day.

This is for you lads:

2 Responses to “Fine Gael or Fine Gowls?”

  1. Ryan says:

    What do you think of these guys in the blue suits? Should Fine Gael sign them up? 🙂

    That being said I think it is funny for a bank however nlot sure if I’d like to see Enda in one of these suits.

  2. nightskyspy says:

    to mention something else… I would vote as an online user if there was an e-Voting system. Ireland does not even offer an opportunity to vote by proxy and I am away on holidays in May. By casting a vote I would make a difference … maybe a small difference but always. not voting may make one party’s victory a bit easier.