Lesson 234 in ComReg Spin – Latest Business Survey

ComReg have a survey of businesses here. It says great things about use of broadband and other such stuff.

This is what ComReg press released:

The ComReg survey revealed that, of those businesses connected to the Internet, 74% of
SMEs and 85% of corporate firms use some form of broadband – most commonly DSL.
The survey, of over 550 businesses in Ireland, was conducted on behalf of ComReg by
Millward-Brown IMS in May and June, 2006. Other highlights of the survey results

• Over 40% of business customers switched telecoms service provider in the past, with
almost 20% switching in the past 12 months. However, almost half of those who
previously switched fixed-line provider claim to have switched back to their original

• Over 96% of businesses that provide mobile phones to their employees use Vodafone
or O2 packages,

• Two-thirds of SMEs and three-quarters of corporate firms use their mobile phone
while in the office – even when they may have access to a nearby fixed-line telephone,

• Half of all SMEs and corporate firms are using IT-based business applications which
require a broadband speed connection, and

Here’s my dose of REALITY and stuff ComReg never stuck into their PR:


* Half of all Corporates have complained at least once to their phone service provider in the past year (Page 19)

* 1/3 of all SMEs have complained at least once to their phone service provider in the past year. (Page 19)

* 48% of SMEs do not have broadband. 52.5% of SMEs are on broadband. 73% of SMEs use the Internet. Of them 72% use broadband products. (Page 39) The rest are still on antiquated Internet products which are not broadband – 19% on dialup, 9% on ISDN and 2% on Satellite

* 1/3 of SMEs who tried to get broadband could not not. (pg 46) This reflects a survey from the Chambers of Commerce of Ireland from 2005 which stated 30% of SMEs who tried to get broadband could not.

Why is a neutral regulator talking up some facts and spinning any bad news? Something is rotten.

3 Responses to “Lesson 234 in ComReg Spin – Latest Business Survey”

  1. Pat Phelan says:

    Comreg is the least effective regulatory body in the world. It certainly holds no fear for any of the Irish telecom operators as will probably be proved by Smart telecom winning its next court case against it.

  2. Pat says:

    More than 500 companies in Ireland? Jeebes! Where’s that Broad Band playing next?

  3. Michele says:

    Who on earth did they speak to when they did this survey?