When the going gets fluff – Fluffy links 3rd July 2006

Ralph Depping’s blog. He’s an old college mate. He’ll be a dad soon and I bet he’ll not blog for another year after the kid arrives. Oh and he has a dolphin on his petrol cap. Not a real one though.

9th February 2004. Get the vomit bucket.

and from another old post:

We left the camp after we had innoculated the children for Polio, and this old man came running after us and he was crying. He couldn’t see. We went back there and they had come and hacked off every innoculated arm. There they were in a pile… A pile of little arms. And I remember… I… I… I cried… I wept like some grandmother

Here’s an idea about blogs for politicians. Don’t forget Suzy’s suggestion.

2 Responses to “When the going gets fluff – Fluffy links 3rd July 2006”

  1. Hi Damien, thanks for the plug! With family in Germany, Spain, Norway and Kildare I figured I needed a corner on the web to post some pics of the baby when he or she arrives 🙂 As you mentioned blogging might take a back seat soon afterwards…..but we’ll see how it goes. By the way, will be starting the new job out your direction on the 24th, so we’ll have to catch up again soon.

  2. Jett Loe says:

    When I read your blog Damien – it’s like a Diamond Bullet. Like I was shot… like I was shot with a diamond… a diamond bullet right through my forehead.