Senescent Shaman

senescent shaman by corey le chat

It’s called “Senescent Shaman” and it’s done by Corey Le Chat. You can look at more of his work and loads more of other artists work at Grainbag. You can also buy these works. The curators blog is great, pity it doesn’t have an RSS feed.

The Rasterbator. The Rasterbator is a web service which creates huge rasterized pictures out of relatively small image files. The pictures can be assembled into extremely cool looking posters up to 5 meters in size. You upload an image it spits out a pdf which you print off and put together. I tried a butterfly photo but it seemed to complicated to fit on 8 pages. I’ll try something like someones face. Still it’s fucking cool.

The New Yorker takes the book ‘Eats, shoots and leaves’ to task .

One Response to “Senescent Shaman”

  1. […] What is the rasterbator? Well to quote myself: The Rasterbator is a web service which creates huge rasterized pictures out of relatively small image files. The pictures can be assembled into extremely cool looking posters up to 5 meters in size. You upload an image it spits out a pdf which you print off and put together. […]