Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

haha Brian !

Tuesday, September 30th, 2003

2003.09.29 23:40:53 Search: query for damien milk tray man *cough*

Yeah yeah. Funny.

Things are going to change I can feel it …

Tuesday, September 30th, 2003

Grassroots Politics. Mob spots..

Steven Johnson writes about people creating their own campaign ads. These ads can become with group involvement very polished and popular. I’m just thinking about all those internet jokes and phenomena that start off on blogs and slowly filter up to mainstream news in papers and on TV. The web is the source/momentum for more and more mainstream ads. Fucks sake I saw an article in the Examiner that was practically lifted word from word from Aint It Cool News.

Now I’ve also been reading about Emergent Democracy , Liquid Democracy and Open Source Democracy and they all seem to mention how online collaboration will change the face of democracy and maybe empower the people more. ( I do need to read some of the docs on these more though)

Reading about these and things like the Howard Dean campaign give me that feeling I used to have years ago as a kid where I thought I had the power to change the world. I think we can create some sort of Hybrid version of this for Ireland.

Get some of those kiddies off boards (and by kiddies I mean anyone since we are all kids at heart. Immature is what I really mean. ) get people to come up with anti-ff, anti-fg or anti-labour or whoever the hell else and get them to come up with some good ads. Theres bound to be some good video makers about too who could help out. With the upsurge of broadband and people emailing bigger and bigger files via email in work daily, the vids and pics will easily get circulated at a lightning speed throughout the country and the world. Couple that with an online archive and central core where people can discuss and contribute and you can start allowing people to become more empowered.

You’d be surprised that once people get the feeling that they can make an impact you’ll have some pretty motivated people. .. Or am I just ranting.

As a sidenote I have to sya the net is great. Reading Stevens site I’m thinking “this guy is making lots of sense I’m adding him to my aggregator” and I realise he is the same guy that has a book published that I wanted to read. Billions of webpages online and the some six degrees thing is still in effect.

In my next post I’ll add some picture to keep people happy. 🙂

Edit: Jason has more of the same idea here.

logs logs logs

Monday, September 29th, 2003

I was alerted to these in my blog logs. See anytime you do a search for something it gets put into a log file on the server.


2003.09.26 18:22:35 Search: query for ‘***’
2003.09.26 18:22:51 Search: query for ‘***’
2003.09.26 18:23:05 Search: query for ‘***’
2003.09.26 18:23:09 Search: query for ‘***’
2003.09.26 18:23:13 Search: query for ‘***’
2003.09.26 18:23:20 Search: query for ‘boyfriend’ webproxy, so someone from the open access labs was doing a search for his name and name variations or the name of someone I used to date.

Anything you do online is logged. EVERYTHING. Its a little scary. A friend thats going to college in Dublin was telling me the computers in the labs even have keyloggers installed so they record what you do. I think thats just FUD they’re telling the freshers to keep them on their feet. Bloody great rumour to spread though.

Even if you use google to get here I know which search query was used in google or any other search engine to reach me. Its well fun to see how people happen upon here.

Sliding Scales

Thursday, September 25th, 2003

Interesting pricing model. Allow people to pay for your item (say a cd) within a range. Not one strict price. So price it at between 5 and 10 dollars and let the person choose which price.

Read more here. Its more stuff from Scott Andrews website.

Back on air

Thursday, September 25th, 2003

Radio Damiens useless writings about his life and the world is back. Theres no big launch party or anything just yet. 🙂

I must go around now and configure this thingy. is moving

Saturday, September 13th, 2003

I’m moving and a good few other websites over this weekend. Expect MAJOR disruption. You can reach me by my old email address cz at esatclear dot ie

See you in a few days

The dodgylist comes soon

Friday, September 12th, 2003 will be going live some time this weekend I hope. I got some software thats like the one that metafilter use and I hope to be able to configure it so that we can have loads of posters post tot he website with all their softcore links.

I can just see the comments now. “What kind of filth can I post Damien ? ” Mr. Mulley hasn’t decided thanks.

damien gets to bed before midnight

Wednesday, September 10th, 2003

In a huge shock to the world Damien Mulley gets to bed (and sleep) before 12. The world is in a panic.

damien – let the taxi drivers run the country

Tuesday, September 9th, 2003 or something.

Yes they know how to run the country don’t they ? Well let them give their views and everyones views on how the country should be run.

Let me explain.

Split the governmental entity down into small sections

How should we be taxed ?

How should the dole work ?

Healthcare – the best method etc

Let people submit their views and allow commentary on these posted views. Yes it sounds like an online forum but its with only a few threads which are dictated by the moderators. People can post their views on a subject and people can reply to these views.

With strict moderation I think it would work well.

We could then all vote on which policy we all think is same and will work out the best for all.

Fuckit, why not in fact create an Online Irish Politics Fantasy league. WOnder how you would set up something like this.

Maybe I should color code my blog so that brainstorms and these ideas I get are set to a different colour than the rants and so on.

Damien on that gaydar pager thing

Monday, September 8th, 2003

Its like the old Tamgochi thingys and a pager.

Its one of those “I’m Single” pagers but this one is for same sex people. So it uses wireless connection to tell people in your immediate area you are gay. Hmmm. Bluetooth does this right ? Yes. Anyone want to write an app for java enabled phones and make a gaydar application. You can scan the immediate area for people of the same sexuality and them send them a business card with your details and all the usual gaydar measurements.

Yes, Mr Mulley strikes again with another blog update. Now if I could get someone to build these ideas.