Why not talk about your own project or a project you like for this week’s push? That’s what Gordon has done. Not had time this week to process the Push or look through the noms for Blog post of the Month. So g’wan promote something you like this time and we’ll get back to the usual in two weeks.
Archive for the ‘irishblogs’ Category
Tuesday Push? Where’s it at? Nominate your own
Tuesday, November 4th, 2008BarCamp Cork II afterthoughts
Tuesday, November 4th, 2008After a slow start (I was still wrecked from the night before and came down on the 7am train from Dublin) BarCamp Cork really picked up momentum as the day progressed. People complained the morning was too “codey” but I guess the programmers were first in and got their names on the programme first. That or, maybe the programmers were actually less shy than the more business-type speakers. There’s always a first!
Coming up to lunch we really saw things happening with lots of talks being added, more spaces being invaded for use for chats and teeny tiny sessions and the topic content broadened quite a lot. There were a lot of new faces too who were not at the original BarCamp or the any of the ones after that. I was most impressed with the Dublin contingent who came down, as well as the Nordies (yay) and even Emma from the UK who I was told gave a fab talk about what BarCamp is all about. I’d loved to have seen that talk and perhaps Emma could make a video of this at the next BarCamp she goes to and upload it. Should it be the prerequisite video to watch for everyone that attends a BarCamp?
Alexia and Pat held court around lunchtime in the MAXRoam offices and the room was stuffed to the gills with interested people. There was a lot more interactivity at this BarCamp than the previous one I was at and I think a lot of people were so chuffed that they may go off and run their own, right Aileen, right Jessica? ๐
There was a considerable amount of talented people at BarCamp and many of these are going to be big names within a few years. Hopefully the BarCamps have been part of this incubation process. Onwards and upwards.
BarCamp Cork was pretty much the baby of Conor O’Neill who put it all together. All. A huge thanks is due to Kay Wright from the Webworks who on her day off came along and helped out and to the sponsors who backed this event. Hopefully we’ll see more events at Webworks too. Beautiful location.
Fluffy Links – Tuesday November 4th 2008
Tuesday, November 4th, 2008Dan Boyle is going to try and get into Europe. The Two Faces of Dan Boyle Campaign will be starting sooner then. Libertas will have a rep in the mix too and Seรกn Kelly is going to be parachuted in and Burke will get shafted. Interesting times. Cork might end up with no MEPS after having 3.
BarCamp reviews:
Nice review and great pics from Phil. Come back soon!
Paul also has a great review.
Julian does a review and then goes on a riff about culture. Love it.
Nice stats on Obama and McCain and their rank on social networks etc.
I want this for my blog header. Yeah, if I ever get this blog designed.
Sweeeeet. Mobile phone with built-in projector. Want. Cheap too.
Nice. iMac-like touchcreen computer. HP were ahead of yiz all though lads.
Consumer purchases are more likely to be influenced by what they read on a blog versus what their social-networking rosters recommend.
For the day(s) that are in it:
Mr. Obama, I hope it goes well
Tuesday, November 4th, 2008Good luck Mr. Obama, I’m quite cynical about your words but your campaign and how it was run is testament to a great leader and management team. That alone brings hope. If you win, it might give hope to all of us here in Ireland and every other country that people who want change can get it. Course it will also bring out all the half-assed wannabe style campaigns too.
Speaking of which, I see totally neutral Rock the Vote are running the campaign of Obama-esque (where are his FF logos and colours) Other Tubridy.
Review of MGMT – Ambassador Dublin November 3rd
Tuesday, November 4th, 2008
Take the worst of the Oxegen music festival and put it in one room. Review done. In fairness MGMT don’t have a huge back catalog so it was no surprise that they started late and finished quite early with the very much expected “Kids” as the second song on the encore. Nice too that their banter is improving. They asked the audience do they like to drink. I wonder when they play in France so they ask the audience do they drive bicycles while wearing berets with strings of onions hanging from their necks?
The middle of the set seemed to play drawn-out b-sides or new songs or versions of songs that I didn’t recognize but I appreciated them. The band are a rock band at heart judging by the talented musicians that played tonight. Their backing band especially added to their live show. Saying that, some of the live versions of the songs didn’t have the same power at all.
The music as I stated was good overall but the crowd utterly ruined it. There were huge amounts of barely legal (drinking sense) teens drunk and just bombing into the crowd. Manners got taught to some of them but there were surges and shoving going on when the kids identified the tunes that 2fm or Spin played while there was total calm for unreleased album tracks. MGMT also play on the 4th and by that time every kid in the country will probably have seen them.
Heineken’s badly done Facebook campaign
Monday, November 3rd, 2008So you may have seen if you’re on Facebook there are some sponsored ads on the right from Heineken or even ads in the middle of your news feed that advertise some music festival they’re running:
Click on the ad and you are brought to their website for the event. It asks where you’re coming from on their Irish site after directing you there. Uhm. Hello?
There they ask you for your details including your age and country you’re from. Data they have easy access to on Facebook. They make you re-register all over again for their events when a simple app on Facebook which only those above 18 in Ireland or 21 in the States can see. Dopes.
I’m sure there’s a massive drop-off rate too. Why not create a fan page on Facebook which you can restrict to people of certain ages and message all of them about events through the website they are using on a daily basis and having fun on? You need to go and market where the people are, not go there and drag them away to another site and putting a barrier in front of them when you drag them over. This is not a dog show, the people are not your dogs that you can drag around an obstacle course and making them jump through hoops and run through tunnels.
Wasted opportunity there.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs are spa spa spas
Monday, November 3rd, 2008Yeah Yeah Yeahs get their fans to lipsynch to their latest song and record themselves on video doing so. Fans do. Yeah Yeah Yeahs make a video based in part on these user-generated/fan-generated bits.
All is well. Money being made from super-fans.
Fans then upload their full versions of the videos Yeah Yeah Yeahs took snapshots of. Yeah Yeah Yeahs get fan vids shut down. How stupid are these people? Burning the people who are helping to produce the video and to spread the word to their networks. Nutso!
Photo owned by brunorepublic (cc)
Fluffy Links – Monday November 3rd 2008
Monday, November 3rd, 2008Robin and David feature on front page of O’Reilly Radar. Very very impressive. Yet at the same time you think it’s about time!
Meanwhile Robin’s friend is blogging again. Howya Fergal.
Aedan has done some wonderful analysis on Facebook ads and a campaign he ran on it.
Liking Iain’s essay on America/Tourism/Music/Politics. I would like to subscribe to his newsletter, oh hang on…
Slattery’s are going to be blogging soon. I heard they have a new Online/Digital PR section now too.
John Keyes has an interesting post on trying to digitize his analog bits. Also he points out you can get online billing from the ESB now.
Via Drew B is O2 Litmus. O2 are building their own Appstore. Forget getting access to a single phone, imagine getting access to all phones on one of the largest mobile networks in the world. Clever.
Drew also talks about Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross being good for the UK economy by distracting people. Interesting perspectives.
“So if you want to change what I’m doing, don’t try to persuade me- don’t try to make me- do anything. Instead, enlist the help of my friends… “see here.
Perlico free mobile calls offer til 2010 – bollox
Sunday, November 2nd, 2008They’re letterboxing these promises again:
And the smallprint states:
Free mobile calls until 2010 – 40 minutes per month for your fixed line to any Republic of Ireland mobile network within Ireland
The picture of Rosanna Davison is much appreciated:
They need to get Made in Hollywood for their props though:
Find our AJ a job
Sunday, November 2nd, 2008AJ McKee is looking for a job at the moment. He’s currently based in Cork and yeah he’s a friend and there’s some bias but I think he’s still fantastic at what he does. Along with a few other lads he came up with an idea for analysing Twitter and built Tweetrush in no time. He talks the talk and walks the walk. This is his LinkedIn. He’s an IT Manager and a damned good coder too.
Ideally I think he wants to stay in Cork if he can. I okayed it with AJ to blog this too btw ๐
Sarah Palin thinks he rocks too:
Photo owned by bobster1985 (cc)