Archive for the ‘irishblogs’ Category

Fluffy Links – Monday 24th November 2008

Monday, November 24th, 2008

It’s been emotional Flirty. Best of luck.

Mary Mulvihill’s blog. Mary is looking to get a list together of Science bloggers in Ireland. Let her know if you’re one.

Don’t forget that the Irish iPhone survey is still going. While I’m looking for people in the Republic, Irish is Irish. Happy to see what the folks in Northern Ireland do with their phones. All welcome!

Coming to the bloggers Christmas lunch?

Want to learn about blogging in Cork before Christmas? Chat to Sabrina.

What bollox. Now Fianna Fáil and the Greens are complaining answering Parliamentary Questions costs a lot. Except they don’t and they’re very necessary to see what the Government is hiding from the public.

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) will celebrate International Human Rights Day with a special evening event in the Irish Film Institute on December 10th. Be there or be etc.

Well done to Paul in CityLocal for getting featured in the Business Post.

Youngfella kills himself live on the Internet. Some watching goad him into it. You can just bet that journalists will be ringing around asking Internet users to “defend” the Internet over this.

Loving this piece of art that the U.N. got done but it does seem rather extravagant. Then again, it’s the U.N.

Charlie the Unicorn – Live

Green Day – Brain Stew/Jaded:

Business Post covers my spat with Pat the Baker and Bebo

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Business Post piece on it today. A right of reply to the comment by the guy from Pat the Baker where he said I was ‘‘totally and utterly wrong’’ would have been nice since they used my analysis as article fodder but the blog post more than speaks for itself as is. For those coming from the Business Post, my correct analysis on the Pat the Baker campaign is here.

Stay tuned to the Mulley Communications blog as a lot more analysis pieces are in the works. Lots of emperors have purchased lots of new clothes in Ireland.

Parenthetical Girls – A Song For Ellie Greenwich

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

This is Ellie and her body of work.

Review of Parenthetical Girls – Whelan’s Dublin

Saturday, November 22nd, 2008
Parenthetical Girls – Whelan’s Dublin

Gig of the year for me. Not everyone starts off the night by jumping into the crowd and singing and dancing their songs. Four very talented musicians entertained a small enough crowd in Whelan’s last evening and I think created a lot of new fans in the process. Ian was the person that got me into them and I fully agree that their album is album of the year for me. Most played album on the iPhone right now.

Not only were hugely talented and swapped instruments now and then but they were good fun and had a laugh with the crowd. Zach the lead singer in the band too at one point played the room with a paid of drumsticks, walls doors and he even sang and made beats out on the fire escape which was an unusual experience for the crowd in the main room. God bless very long microphone leads. They’re playing Galway tonight, if you live there get to the gig, it’ll be worth it!

Well done to Ian too for opening for them. I actually didn’t realise it was you til after dude otherwise I would have said hey.

Rated 5/5 on Nov 22 2008
Vote on Damien Mulley‘s Reviews at LouderVoice

I won a Golden Spider

Friday, November 21st, 2008

Did I also mention eircom bought me booze? Did I also mention I think Eamon Ryan rocks? And Fine Gael? Gimme me 50 quid and I’ll link to you. It’s all Michele Neylon’s fault. He nominated me. Thanks Dude, appreciated.

Update: Me and Philly Mc from Bebo. Bebo rocks, did I mention that?
Me and Philly Mc

Cheers to Bredanistan for taking the pic

Fluffy Links – Thursday 20th November 2008

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Crewger have upped the game and made things shinier and better. Check em out.

Great blog: Mum Lives on. Blurb:

Keeping the memory of my mum alive

Don’t forget to do the iPhone survey or recommend it to a friend that has an iPhone.

Rick spotted this. The Diary of The Irish Apprentice Secretary.

Found via ChrisTwitter: So the British Nutter Party’s membership list got leaked and there’s been much fun on the Internet as a result and someone has gone as far as doing a Google Maps Mashup so you can know how far away you are from a rightwing psychopath. Please note the nearest nutjob might actually be behind you. So we have the BNP version of lolcats too of course.

Paul points out that there is an official Monty Python Channel on YouTube and they’ve had the foresight to upload a huge amount of content with the understanding it’ll be used to sell DVDs and so forth. I hope it works, I think it will.

For the Bloggers flying to Brussels, will they too dance on the roof of the building?

Irish iPhone user? Take the survey, win €50

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

i’m running a survey to find out the habits of iPhone users in Ireland. How you use the phone, what you spend, feedback on the phone etc. If you fill in the survey you’ll be entered into a draw to win a voucher for €50 worth of iTunes vouchers or if you send an iPhone owner to the survey and they fill it in, you’ll be entered into another draw for a €50 voucher.

The Irish iPhone survey is here.

If you have any issues with the server etc. please let me know.

Outremont, 19-Nov-08
Photo owned by kleinman (cc)

Fluffy Links – Wednesday November 19th 2008

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

The Pat the Baker campaign on Bebo, was it effective? My take over on Hint: NO

Markham’s take on Gladwell’s Genius piece.

Congrats to Chris and everyone in SensorPro for being shortlisted for the e-Consultancy awards.

Niall doesn’t want to be in the restaurant business. Tough work.

The Morgan Hotel is crap.

Via Conor P, the French sure like to strike.

Enterprise Ireland spam people and now Tourism Ireland spam people. Assholes.

Students blow Martin Cullen’s opportunity to do his job.

Hourly search trends from Google – a feed.

Treehugger must be desperate for pageviews. Best sex positions in “green” cars.

Barack is a total nerd. Star Trek, Superman comics and more.


Interesting stats about kids and the Internet. Safer than they want you to believe.

Holy Fuck – Milkshake

New IBM study on consumers and advertising

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Highlights from the survey:

  • Adoption for most categories of digital content services doubled from last year, with services such as social networking now at 60 percent penetration and Internet data plans for mobile devices at over 40 percent for respondents globally
  • 76 percent of consumers have already watched video on their PC, up 27 percent from last year
  • For both PC and mobile video, the vast majority of respondents prefer advertising-supported models as opposed to consumer-paid models, representing huge growth opportunity for the industry
  • Close to 60 percent of total respondents were willing to provide information about themselves – such as age, gender, lifestyle or communications preferences – in exchange for something of value
  • The 13-24 year old segment owns an average of between four to five multimedia devices

Fluffy Links – Tuesday 18th of November 2008

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Genius. Via Phil: Paddy has taken Web 2.0 logos and turned them into Origami.

Lest we forget. A blog post on miscarriage.

A rake of new blogs (at least to me)
Make A Map of What You See.

Conor Reidy

Ciaran Parker

Mamma Bella

Malcolm Gladwell has a new book out called Outliers. Nice piece from him in the Guardian about the 10,000 hours rule of work even the geniuses need to do before their work is good.

An interesting way of advertising your circumcision business. Would people seriously hire this guy since he advertises in this way? Surely such a service is all about personal recommendations?

This Oblong interface is just pure amazing.

Nice clever interactive ad for doggy products.

This is an ad for tequila. Guess how it ends.

Via Garr Reynolds – D-PAN (Deaf Performing Artists Network) have done a visual interpretation of the song “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera: