It’s been emotional Flirty. Best of luck.
Mary Mulvihill’s blog. Mary is looking to get a list together of Science bloggers in Ireland. Let her know if you’re one.
Don’t forget that the Irish iPhone survey is still going. While I’m looking for people in the Republic, Irish is Irish. Happy to see what the folks in Northern Ireland do with their phones. All welcome!
Coming to the bloggers Christmas lunch?
Want to learn about blogging in Cork before Christmas? Chat to Sabrina.
What bollox. Now Fianna Fáil and the Greens are complaining answering Parliamentary Questions costs a lot. Except they don’t and they’re very necessary to see what the Government is hiding from the public.
The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) will celebrate International Human Rights Day with a special evening event in the Irish Film Institute on December 10th. Be there or be etc.
Well done to Paul in CityLocal for getting featured in the Business Post.
Youngfella kills himself live on the Internet. Some watching goad him into it. You can just bet that journalists will be ringing around asking Internet users to “defend” the Internet over this.
Loving this piece of art that the U.N. got done but it does seem rather extravagant. Then again, it’s the U.N.
Charlie the Unicorn – Live
Green Day – Brain Stew/Jaded: