Archive for the ‘Fluffy’ Category

Fluffy Links – Monday June 9th 2008

Monday, June 9th, 2008

Take care Tom. Tom Raftery is off in a short few weeks to live in Spain for good. Conor is organising a going away dinner for him on June 17th.

Joe Drumgoole takes more of the PR bullshit from Enterprise Ireland to task.

Seán is back. Welcome back buddy.

Meanwhile John Kennedy joins us.

This has been all about the place but it rocks. Radiohead remixed.

Via Carol: Learning on the Open Social Web.

I think I’ll go order Mr. Amperduke. It’s cheap and guaranteed Irish and all that.

Know More. Nice site dishing the dirt (if there is any) on companies.

Whale Watching West Cork.

R2D2 – Steampunked.

o2 now have a discussion forum for their customers.

Via Allan

Wolf Parade – I’ll Believe in Anything

Fluffy Links – Thursday June 5th 2008

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

Brilliant Lisbon poster hack. Expect it robbed by a daily newspaper and not attributed.

Belated Happy Birthday OFTR. The clip of the kid. Scary.

Via Seán O’Sullivan, slides Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack 3, from the recent Telco 2.0 event in Dublin.

A book thingy for those that read books, yeah, that niche market.

Career 2.0

Six Business Starting tips.


A European Web Analytics Association in the making?

Welcome to the Internet Metallica, you’re not very welcome it seems.

Watching the watchers changes from Sousveillance to Fitwatch. Good rebrand.

Fecking around with Google to have your own definition of something show up in the definition section in Google search.

This has been doing the rounds, forget the Wii Fit:

Fluffy Links – Wednesday June 4th 2008

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

In Galway this afternoon til Friday afternoon, keeping with the blogging will be light theme. Shush Rick.

Cybercom are looking for a copy writer and also a search marketing manager.

Getting some nice case studies/endorsements for Business Blogging now, have you got one?

It’s Blackhat SEO right? Making up a fake news story that gets everyone a buzzing and getting loads of inbound links? Will there be a Google penalty for fake news? It’s hardly new though is it, eh PR people?

Yes, no, yes, no, yes. Postcodes are back on again for Ireland?

Well done again to Steve Moore, addicted to organising great events.

Another free memory improvement tool, for those without Nintento DSs.

Lisbon campaigners should latch on to this. Cameras on every plane seat to monitor you for terrorist facial expressions or something.

I’m going to be in Berlin for the launch of this beautiful thing, I wonder is it really a competitor to the Air?

Another day, another T-Shirt I want.

Fluffy Links – Tuesday June 3rd 2008

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

This week is going to be quite busy for me so blogging will be on the seriously light side. We’ll all survive, right?

May Blog Post of the Month announced here later today.

Heard the one about the French banning online sales of wine? Except it’s not a joke.

Yes indeed. The other John Waters is doing a show.

Paddy Considine is doing a workshop at the Darklight Festival.

The IIA are setting up a social media working group. They’re looking for applications now.

Nick Wall has compiled a list of 50 favourite songs by 50 of his favourite Irish artists.

What a clever piece of art.

New blog by Gavin and Ciara.

I want ALL of these t-shirts.

Via Emmet, Snakes on a building:

Bon Iver – Flume

Sunday Morning fluffy bits and pieces – June 1st 2008

Sunday, June 1st, 2008

Before the LOL – Footage from ROFLcon

All in One SEO pack.

Nice presentation on the role of positioning and PR in this new modern/open age of communications.

Aggregating (by hand) movie reviews on Twitter.

On the Media talks books.

Five people who can cheer us up about the future.

Fluffy Links – Thursday May 29th 2008

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

Grannymar is the April winner (I know it’s May now) of the Blog Post of the Month. Congrats. She gets the trophy and an N95 thanks to o2 and Nokia Ireland. Still time to nominate a blog for the May prize.

Win a copy of Grow and Cook.

Sabrina needs a bookkeeper. Know anyone?

I’m in Dublin today for meetings and to see Jonathon Porritt give a talk on how we can develop a sustainable economy thanks to an invite from the DCENR. This is a good post from Jonathon on the campaigns of Greenpeace.

The Irish Indo are borrowing without asking from bloggers. Again.

Prince at Coachella – The Bootleg. Where he covers Creep, Angel and Come Together.

Read Chapter 8 of the new Crowdsourcing book before it’s printed.

Ninja’s use MacBook Airs to deliver justice.

Google Shoot View, not Google Street View.

Fun Twitter word game.

Via MetaFilter: Fred Astaire – Smooth Criminal

Fluffy Links – Wednesday 28th May 2008

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

Shane hangs up the boxing gloves. Shame. The year that he blogged he blogged so so well and brought blogging quality way up as a result. I hope we see some more Irish Times bloggers. G’luck with the book Shane!

Happy Birthday Derek.

Happy Birthday John.

Blog Post of the Month for April announced over here in a few hours. May will be announced next week.

I now own, guess where it redirects to?

How IT can help you be Green.

Vote No for Lisbon.

The New York Times is getting an API. Remember that Indo and Irish Times. Maybe RTE will beat them both to an API to their news service? Hah.

Finding “subversives” via Amazon.

The Telegraph outguns the Guardian now. Apparently.

It’s a marketing thing for Ford but I still like Where are the Joneses?

Find music on Muxtape using Muxfind.

Fun with Google and YouTube videos.

Emmet tests an X300 with a cappuccino. I’m currently testing one, I couldn’t be that cruel.

Via Nialler9, Take That covering Smells Like Teen Spirit. Warning Gary Barlow is topless in this. Mind the eyes.

Fluffy Links – Tuesday May 27th 2008

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

Back, miss me? I missed you too.
There is no punchline.

G’wan and go to Una’s club night.

Green Ink doing well on Google Images.

Noel has an interesting take on Labour and Lisbon. Clever.

Indo no oh loveo Dear Lovero blogo. Shame.

Rick got a bazzer. Really nice too fella!

Innovation in the UK regional media.

Twitter’s blog post about another outage has the boss accidently nuking the comments after he presses the wrong button. Says it all?

Fluffy Links – Friday May 23rd 2008

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

I’m actually not here. I’m in Dublin after seeing this guy play last night. Around for a while if you wanna say hello. There’s another Internet Marketing post going live around midday today if you want to call back 🙂

Fluffy Links – Thursday May 22nd 2008

Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

Firstly, happy birthday to Pat Phelan, a friend, an inspiration and a mentor (without evening knowing it).

From Debz: Frugal Ireland.

With the Celtic Tiger crumbling around us, it is time to tighten our belts.

This site aims to bring tips, advice and tricks on how to do just that. From ways to save on petrol to the latest supermarket deals, we aim to bring you the latest news.

One post is on a dining card for good enough restaurants where you’ll get 2 for 1 deals.

Excellent WordPress SEO tips from Frank.

New blog. Fictional Sheep.

Samuel Bowman’s Tumble blog. With added penguins!

Put your lifestream on your website or blog.

Mmm, sexy skin for my iPhone.

iPhone owners pay attention.

Good call UK, one life spared.

Kid Rock – American Badass, so bad it’s … stupid.