There are so many double entendres in the Fluffy Links today. Apologies.
Suzy gets a facial.
Ciara and her runaway brides.
Michele kicks the IEDR in the nuts. They need to be nuked.
Niall has a video of his lamb kebabs. On the Times website no less!
Get your o2 gripes out here.
Why are the religious types obsessed with willys up the bum? Seriously like:
Does Mary I no longer teach against the sin of sodomy and the homosexual agenda?
Check out Bookkake.
Matt Jones from Dopplr did a great at Picnic talk called The emerging real-time social web. You can see it here.
Terrified of Facebook? Maybe you should be:
The day that Kim Bowen accidentally sent a video of a woman shitting in a hot tub to 200 of her co-workers was the day she knew her relationship with Facebook would never be the same.
Gilligan’s Island = hell. So the idea of Lost being hell or purgatory wasn’t new.
Heart attack in a can.
Of note is a mid-morning talk I’m giving on October 16th in Cork entitled: Media and Marketing in the Digital Age in assoication with Enterprise Ireland’s Webworks and it@cork. This one is free to it@cork members.