Up until this week in a lift in a hotel in Lisbon, I had never met Haydn Shaughnessy which is shameful since we’ve been at at least one BarCamp together and we’re both in and around Cork county. I wish I had met Haydn way back at BarCamp in Cork last year because the conversations we had in Lisbon once we met were really inspiring and covered tech, business, our frustration with the lack of motivation to have a startup culture in Ireland and art. In case you didn’t see the mentions on other blogs, Haydn has put a lot of work into starting his own art gallery in Kilbrittain called Haydn Shaughnessy Gallery for Innovative Contemporary Artists. I need to get myself down there soon.
During one of our conversations I was telling Haydn how I’d love to do what he did. Start a gallery and get some not well-known (locally) but good artists some attention that they deserve. This is what Haydn is doing now. It seems to be a total labour of love and maybe when I have the time I might do the same, that or organise some shows for artists. I’d love to bring some bands and singers I like to Ireland and show them off here. I think Irish audiences are fantastic and greatly appreciate quality music moreso than other countries.
Haydn also mentioned that his office which is next to his gallery would make a great spot for those who want to escape their own environment and go on a work-type retreat to a scenic location while still connected to the world. Having your office in an Art Gallery overlooking the sea would certainly be a way of relieving stress and helping your creativity.