So it seems the NUJ of UK and Ireland have called for a boycott of Yahoo! for their complicity in having a Chinese journalist jailed. Simon reminded us yesterday that it was the anniversary of the guy who stopped Chinese tanks with only the belief that freedom was worth facing down the killer machines of the Chinese Government. Now if only Yahoo! felt the same instead of being the co-driver in those thanks. Tom Raftery asked Bradley Horowitz before about Yahoo!’s bootlicking in China and he has also asked Vint Cerf about Google in China. Both gave bullshit answers in my view but these really are questions the top guys in Google and Yahoo! need to be answering.
Terry Semel tried to defend Yahoo! recently and then someone asked the Nazi question. Would Yahoo! have done business with the Nazi’s if Yahoo! was around in that era and the guy said he didn’t know. I only just looked up Terry’s profile. He’s the damned CEO and he doesn’t know? You can forgive Bradley Horowitz but the guy where the buck stops doesn’t know. Dumbass. I guess their corporate philosophy is just some ornament to hang in the boardroom. Jeff Jarvis makes the usual sense but also tears big strips too.
But lets not let Google away with this either. Check out the big difference in Google searches for Tiananmen Square on Google China and It’s not rewriting history. It’s using invisble ink for some paragraphs, right?
Update: Linked to Simon’s site, not the site on making landing pages. Sorry.