It’s called Party Builder and it looks quite slick.

What’s it got?
- A user dashboard that pulls data from all tools into one, easy-to-manage interface.
- A social networking tool that allows for people to connect with one another.
- A search tool, allowing users to find each other or to find established groups based on name or zip code.
- A groups tool, allowing users to join together for an issue, cause, or candidate. Users then share a common blog, events management system, and listserv.
- An events tool that allows users to create real-world events of any kind.
- A personal fundraising system, that allows users to take control of the financial future of the party.
- A petitions section, allowing users to add their voice to a host of important issue statements.
- A letters tool, that easily connects users with the editors of their local papers. Talking points are conveniently provided for a range of issues.
- A blog for every user, complete with full management control and commenting functionality. The blogs have an integrated, shared tagging system for system-wide categorization.
More details on number 8:
The Letters section allows you to quickly and easily write letters to the editors of national, regional and local newspapers. You can always use the Letters tool to write about whatever you want, but we do provide useful points for various issues if you want some tips. To get started, simply enter your zip code or click on your issue, then enter your zip code. The simple process will allow you to enter your name and address, write your letter, select which newspapers will get it, and then review everything before you click send.
Simon, is this spam or is it ok because the emails go to generic email addresses? It seems like a great idea for lowering the barrier to entry for campaigning but it’d be a shame to see a local paper get avalanched because of someone wanted their agenda pushed forcefully.
Party Builder is a great step but one has to wonder about the overall editorial policy given that it’s a partisan site. Would it not be better to have a non-partisan system? There doesn’t seem to be any APIs or ability to stick other social networking services into your dashboard. No feedreader either. Shame. No way of importing or exporting OPML. Importantly, where’s the mobile integration? Surely that’s important in this day and age. Still a very good start and maybe all these wants will be added over time.
Maybe when they finish PPARS the developers could be hired to make an Irish version of Party Builder?