Dylan Varian has a new iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad app out for those doing the Junior/Leaving Cert. All the papers and marking schemes in one app. Examie.
Only a few more days to get tickets for Measurement.ie, speaker lineup pretty much locked down now. 8 talks, 4 workshops.
I really really love the 8 bit signs for free Dublin WiFi.
Three short plays by Samuel Beckett in the Everyman. The week I’m in Dublin of course…
Conscious Capitalism from the CEO of Whole Foods.
Consultation on implementation of the Charities act. Ban chugging please.
Getting started with User Acquisition Marketing.
Still trying to offload the Money Grabbing Machine from the Web Awards.
Follow tells humorous and moving stories and experiences from the Irish Deaf community through live music, light, ISL, (Irish Sign Language) and traditional story telling.
Paul Brady – Trust In You (Live at Kinine) from Steve Mogerley on Vimeo.