Haiti fundraising in Limerick via Bock. Huge effort has gone into this so far. Well done all.
Michael O’Leary is a genuinely charitable fellow. At times. Running marathons for autism.
Piaras Kelly on the Edelman Trust Barometer:
Slide twenty five caught my attention. Online search engines such as Google and free content sources such as Wikipedia are now as trusted as TV news coverage and articles in national newspapers in Ireland.
When spending on yachts is good for your company.
6 months free membership of Irish Computer Society.
Subscriptions are the future of making money online, not advertising? Lovely takedown on the mess than is pageviews = revenue.
How to record phone conversations on your iPhone. Does it work in Ireland?
A Twitter dress. All for Grammy attention.
God Hates smartarsed hipsters who mess up your hateful protests.
Another take on that infamous VHI ad:
Thanks for the fluffin’ xx