Suzy’s video of David Davin Power surrounded by Fianna Fáil Yokels is scary.
Want to exhibit your art outdoors in the good months in Dublin? Clicky.
EU Business Grant anyone?
New blog: The Bloggy Dew.
New blog: Ross V Ross.
U2 and their new album are just another nail in the coffin of the old record industry.
Nice post from 1169 about Fine Gael making charity cases out of basic rights.
I totally agree with Battelle, Twitter results are showing up all over Google of late, they’re going to have to buy for that alone, just like they bought YouTube.
New car graveyards, if you will.
Oh my, what was she thinking with that dress?
Jim already did his review of the Hockey and Passion Pit concert, I think Hockey were much better live, I’d buy their album alone from that gig, not so much Passion Pit.
Passion Pit – Sleepy Head (Live in Whelan’s)
That video of Davin-Power is something else though he seemed to handle it fairly well, I know I’d have been fierce befuddled.
offering fashion advice now? 🙂
Hi Damien !
Thank You for the plug – really appreciated !
I’m surprised and a little disappointed that this Fine Gael notion hasn’t been highlighted by other well known sites , as it’s potentially a massively dangerous step in the wrong direction as far as we tax payers are concerned.
Thanks again !
Not sure I agree with the U2 article. As Bono himself says there seems to be two different musc industries: Music people are buying and music people are listening to. He reckons that the latter is being cracked – though I think he’s cracked on that one. I think that Spotify will change the way music is being consumed. Ripping, downloading and storing is just too much work for the consumer. The market will shift to show this.
Thanks a mil for that!
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