KM Assets now have their blog on their main site. Yay.
Never saw Roseanne Smith’s blog til today. Mmm bilingually.
You mean you missed the post where I said Take Enda With You?
Gavin has a great Bertie timeline.
Meanwhile, win tickets to see Iron Man in London. (You have to be on Facebook to enter)
People in the background of your photos can ruin things. NSFW. (But then this blog never was)
Rick Rolling via Venn Diagrams.
Kara has a good take on the TechCrunch V Demo battle going on.
Guns N Roses – Yesterdays
From the Animatrix
Matrix Medley (a bit choppy)
I think we were spoiled with the Animatrix. It upped everyone’s expectations for the 2 sequels a little too much though. They were pretty disappointing in comparison to the 1st. I quite liked Reloaded, but Revolutions was a piss poor end to the trilogy.
Bonus oldie but goldy:
[…] line’ (until someone comes up with a better idea – suggestions welcome). Like Mulley’s Fluffy links or sort of our own in-house blog carnival, it will comprise of links to blog pots or websites which […]
I thought the Matrix Revolutions came first? Didn’t the Animatrix come out BETWEEN the Matrix Reloaded and the Matrix Revolutions?
[…]And how does he not know who I am when I offered my linguistic brilliance for judging best use of Irish in a blog in the Blog Awards? Mmmmm right back atcha.[…]