Ulster bank unveiled their MoneySense product. Great pic.
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on Thursday, March 6th, 2008 at 5:24 pm and is filed under business, irishblogs.
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“Bankers, even at a young age all they can see is Euros and Cents!”
Cheaper than NHS glasses, and about as much use.
From the people who brought you “Priests and Altarboys Go Wild” comes…
One Laptop Per Child fails to meet demand, intense bidding-wars begin.
Grand opening of website selling old pennies for the eyes of dead people.
Keep that eircom bill away from me!
Nuts about money!
I’m still surprised noone from Ulster or their PR reps picked up on the irony here! Like, c’mon
“Sorry, our business banking still doesn’t work with Firefox”
Mummy, mummy, the grey haired man gave us money to be in photos with him.
“Though the Romans never did conquer Ireland – it did not deter the Time Team from their quest to discover an ancient Dell laptop in Stephens Green”
You can coin some of the people some of the time…
“Coining it, either way!”
Should have gone to SpecSavers.
This machine will save you from the green eyed monsters!
“We were going to use a model but she died…”
“when you’ve got them by their wallets, their hearts and minds will follow”..
Man with shit-eating grin hunted down mercilessly by zombie schoolboys.
More money than sense? Yes, us too!